Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/27 02:45
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #599

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 599

Today's Topics:
  RE: warning: negative vibes [ "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es> ]
  re: head explosions and knocking sou [ "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: Ego [ Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net> ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  boredom [ "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.c ]
  Re: head explosions and knocking sou [ "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: Boston- Seeking Kundalini teache [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Ego [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Ego [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  a question of evil [ F19AshATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Regarding the problem of Evil [ F19AshATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: need help [ "Sen Ashanka" <sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.i ]
  Wot - no existence? [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: I AM [ "Alan Gaskins" <alan_gaskinsATnospamhotmai ]
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:37:05 +0100
From: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>
To: "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, <amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Subject: RE: warning: negative vibes
Message-ID: <000901bdd15b$32612ba0$66f14dc3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;

> [...] And I can no longer eat or drink anything while I work at my
> because it is forbidden in the library. I am hypoglycemic and this will be
> a major problem for me.
> My ADD makes it near impossible to concentrate on anything with a roomful
> of yabbering kids, not to mention that they are now free to come up behind
> me and look over my shoulder at my computer screen and make comments about
> it whenever! [...]

Jan: Is the USA a free_enough_country to consume little raw garlic bulbs
while working? No one will hardly notice, unless they come close to you...
As garlic contains carbohydrate, it will have a favorable effect on the
hypoglycemia. It will guarantee a few meters of privacy and if you could
produce a note from your naturopath, perhaps a return to the former
situation. (In my native country, this would be a successful scenario)
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:54:25 PDT
From: "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com, kmgATnospamtaconic.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-ID: <19980827015432.11640.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds
>Date: Thu, 27 Aug 98 21:13:08 -0400
>From: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>
>To: "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
>cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <K_goddessATnospamonelist.com>
>Hi, Barb-
>Yeah, I'm still having these. More and more frequently. I just

You're STILL! having them! Yowie! 'had only one occurence inmy head
approx.3 yrs.ago. Knockings about two years ago.

>a dream I had a few months ago when the spinning/twirling sensation and
>the knocking sounds started. At least this was the first time I
>them being together.
>I was sitting in a field of flowers and the bluebird of happiness was
>flying in rapid circles above my head, making me almost dizzy. Then
>little sucker dropped a rock on my head. BANG! I was insulted, and
>with a start.

 'guess one would wake up. I haven't any symptoms/ occurences/
harrasement while dreaming. Always awake, with the exceptions of when
i've been stabbed between the shoulder blades in the heart chakra's
"backdoor' and once in the heart chakra's "front door".

>Now I awaken with the knocking, and/or the swirling and full body
>vibrations or OBE experiences almost every night. The knocks often come
>in multiples for me, too, but I don't think they always come in threes.
Most of the wierd sensations/occurences have either disappeared or
lessened in strenght since i received Shaktipat. 'Still not normal heh
heh, 'wonder, do you think we ever will be? Personally I would like to
keep my newish abilities, and drop the crappy stuff off the Golden Gate

>I couldn't tell you what it means -- I read all the postings on the
>and, while I understand and have a deep interest in the concepts being
>discussed, I feel like a spiritual infant --
   Well, hello dear sister infant, 'know what you mean.

it seems as if the thing
>that changes most for me, as the K-energy makes its progress, is the
>increasing number of bizarre physical symptoms and wierd phenomena that
>am experiencing.
>Or maybe this stuff just goes on in everyone, all the time, and we just
>happened to start noticing it and name it. Whaddaya think?
 Gosh, hope not. But I think people who are sensative and Sensatives
feel this MUCH more intensely. I'm truly glad if this had to happen in
my family that it happened to me and not hubby or employed kids. I don't
know how anyone can cope with this while being surrounded40 or more
hours a week by classmates and or fellow workers.

>Keep on spinnin'
> LUV, barb

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Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:26:27 -0500
From: Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-Id: <l03010d03b20a290de8dbATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Kevin wrote:
>#2 - Like everything else the human ego has an important function,
>number 1 of which is to prevent us from being a lump of unambulatory
>jelly. I'd further add, that the ego allows for us to focus on
>one small thing at a time, so that maybe we can learn from it, rather
>than being overwhelmed by 'the all'. The ego needs to be lean
>and pure, and to work in concert with the other forces and players.

Reading this, I thought of what Aldous Huxley said in _The Doors of
Perception_, the book he wrote after he took mescaline (as an experiment
with doctors present). He said it seems the brain is/has a mechanism that
filters out much of the world, much of what exists, and lets us perceive
only that very limited part that we think of as the "real world." Taking
mescaline, he said, altered the chemistry of his brain and opened the doors
of perception so that he saw for the first time what was really there. Of
course, he pointed out that these "doors" in the brain are absolutely
necessary for normal, sane perception and functioning in this life.

It occurred to me that the ego - not all the mental, emotional, etheric
stuff that gets stuck all over it and has to be cleaned away, but the basic
ego structure that is an instrument for our manifestion - looks like it has
this function of screening out our perceptions of much of what is. It
works with or through the centers, which may or may not be an essential
part of it. Everything above the mental level is normally filtered out,
and we become more intuitive as more light/energy gets through from above
that chakra. We can use the mental to the extent that that chakra is open;
if there is very little opening, you have a person who is almost entirely

Then the ego would be essential to us in manifesting in this world. A
child couldn't grow up as a human being with these filters. The ego is
probably what creates the sense of being an individual, which we must
become to be human - but an illusion in the sense that there is so much we
don't see and don't know. We live in a very limited world.

Julie says:
>From a psychological point ego is
>our protection, our sense of self as we are growing up. It helps provides
>us with defense mechanism's and strength, without which we would probably
>not make it out of childhood and into adulthood.

>Mostly I think that there is a misunderstanding of what the ego is.
>There is a tendency for people to put any sense of "self" under the label of

The ego is not the self; it is the instrument of the self. But when the
time comes that we want to go through those barriers to experience more of
the world, to find the true self, then the ego seems to be a barrier.
First, of course, we have to clean off all the dirt and grime, some of it
very hard indeed, that has accumulated over the years. Yes, we get rid of
or see through all the emotions, the thought-forms, the opinions and
judgments, the limiting decisions. But when those are effectively dead and
gone, is the ego dead? No, just clean. It is the instrument within whose
structure all that trash found its place. So we clean house, throw away
all the baggage, just trash it. And then what?

The trick is to make the ego usable in both directions. To go through the
chakras to the higher levels in such a way that you can go back and live on
the lower levels also in an alternating or a continuous manner. Go into
the buddhic, the atmic, the All, lose all individuality; then go back to
human life and use the still-existent individuality to help others find the
way. Open the doors of perception and leave them intact and functioning,
not blast them off their hinges or blow up the whole house. The mental
wards are full of people who have wide open and unclosable doors. The
cemeteries hold those who withdrew from the lower levels and didn't return.
Those lower levels must be functioning for life in the body to persist.

So the ego is not the enemy; it's our instrument. We just have to clean it
up and open the doors, not too roughly, so the One Self can live in the
whole house.

Whaddya think? :)

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:49:25 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-ID: <67c9669e.35e4c936ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 8/26/98 9:37:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
janbarenATnospaminfase.es writes:

<< Is the USA a free_enough_country to consume little raw garlic bulbs
 while working? No one will hardly notice, unless they come close to you... >>

Would garlic pills/tablets work the same?
Date: 27 Aug 98 04:09:46 +0000
From: "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: boredom
Message-Id: <OUT-35E4D7BE.MD-1.0.paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


> Paul knows this. He knows how to send his energy and to get others energy to feed
> him their energy. Paul, what are you really asking?

Not sure. Maybe I'm asking subtler things of the validity of
> I think sometimes you write things like this to see if anyone can pick up on you
> screwing with them.

I don't know that I do that. I'm kind of innocent. If I bodge up it's
not because I was intending to do so. I do not have a streak of
deliberate malice.

> You are a very intelligent person, Paul. I think sometimes that
> life bores you so you have to stir things up to keep yourself entertained. How do I
> know this? Because sometimes I like to do this too.

This is true, now that you mention it.
> I know I'm going to probably draw a lot of outrage at my blunt comments to you. But
> I really think you've grown to like me smacking you aside the head! :-)

I have sometimes wondered, as I did hear a few times in a few places
of people who got bored because they were intelligent. I do get bored,
I have to have stuff that is relatively very interesting and
meaningful in order to stirr me. The stuff that I see many people
making an issue of is nothing to me, has no effect. It's only when
something is very unique and individual and big that I take any real
notice. I am a pioneer. I like it when things are really
extraordinary, rare, different. I have always felt myself to be
somewhat different from others, difficult relating to them but maybe
that's not a bad thing I don't know. This isn't teh first time
somebody has said I am intelligent. My horoscope sometimes mentions
that I have a genius. I sometimes see myself doing some stuff,
comprehending some stuff that in a way is difficult for other people
to understand. I don't know if that's because it's so sophisticated or
because it's so bloody wierd and abnormal. Maybe you also notice that
I hate quoting. Almost everything I write is the initiation of a new
message or topic and I never post other people's spiritual

You say I stir things up to keep things interesting. Yep. I think I do
that. I ask deep interesting questions. I am often willing to
entertain the most extraordinary possibilities. Maybe you have seen
me coming out with some insights and stuff inbetween what looks like
a play of intellect. Intelligence and intellect are different things.
I don't feel like I am able to say anything unless it is really
probing and exotic. I have a lot of difficulty with everyday gossip
type conversating. I get bored with flat ground, I like to see hills.
I like contrast, also. Sometimes I feel totally compelled to supply
some new thing, some new input, a question or whatever, to get
something happening, so that it inputs back to me. It seems selfish,
I'm sure. Maybe it actually is.

I heard a while back of kids in school who were very intelligent and
they got so bored with the stuff that they had to do that they became
rebellious and just couldn't be bothered with it. I have been in some
ways the same. I do have a wisdom that has always been there with me
and a deep faith and it is very difficult for me to be hostile, and I
love peace. I might get worked up about stuff now and then,
suggesting how crap I am, but as I've said before it's a way of
sustaining that which can't be touched. I am naturally shy and I get
embarrased easily and am sensitive. Maybe it all adds up to the same
general picture. Sometimes I post provocative questions to the list
with great enthusiasm on some strange old subjects, maybe things
people haven't thought of before. It is perhaps with a will to releive
my own boredom. I don't usually batter an eyelid until there's some
great natural disaster. I like watching those kinds of tv programs. I
don't feed off them like some perverted vulture but it is the only
things intense enough to keep me interested. Maybe everything else
comes with the intelligence, that is meant to be there. But I'm modest
and I'll only boast in order to make things interesting. One thing not
many people realise is how creative I am. I have to be creative
because normality is so plain. I do go around with rose-tinted glasses
perhaps and now I'm talking about myself too much. See how boring I
am. Maybe if I make you bored you'll do something to spice things up.
And maybe I know that and that is why I do it. I always kind of try to
take the biggest steps, to make the most progress in the least time
possible. Fast learner you see.

I think you hit the nail on the head though. You've got me thinking
actually. My horoscope for the year last year said that the universe
had chosen me to be a leader. Apparently it is befitting for somebody
so aware of their shortcomings. Seems like a stupid idea to me, but it
is unfolding. And, well, I don't know, but maybe, as you are touching
on, maybe I a much closer to reality than is apparent. ;)


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:46:05 PDT
From: "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: htminATnospamptdprolog.net, kmgATnospamtaconic.net, happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-ID: <19980827034608.15517.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Reply-To: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
>From: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
>To: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>,
> "Marybeth Gottshall" <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>,
> "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
>Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
> <K_goddessATnospamonelist.com>
>Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds
>Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:38:15 -0700
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rev Denise L. Koons <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
>To: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>; b bah <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
>Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>;
>Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 6:31 PM
>Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds
>>HI, I'm not having knocking in my head but have been given some advice
here for my pain in the neck and skull.
  HI, I can't speak for Marybeth, but "my" knoching sounds were at the
kitchen door. And on three other occasions at base of neck, both felt
and heard. The best I can describe this: it would be like i or someone
had placed a 4"x4"x1" piece of wood on the bottom(cervical) vertibrae
and tapped gentley with one of those light wooden mallets restuarants
give people who order soft shell crabs. Or the little toddlers mallet
that comes with the (Fisher Price?) toddlers wooden peg pounding bench.
Well, used to come, am dating myself, they've been plastic for quite a
while now. Never had knocking, felt or heard in head. Hope this doesn't
come next!!
 Never had pain in head, only electrons whizzing around rebounding off
skull, and re suming their ovalish paths, could barely feel them.
Pain is in trap muscles, happeneing right now because a being (with a
lower case "b") doesn't like my typing this. Different feeling that when
genuine guides are warning me of impending danger, want to tell me
something funny, or just give info. In th last three instancestrap
muscles feel unrelaxed not tense and painfull. Mystress knows what I
mean as this happened one evening as we were talking on the phone and
she felt it ...miraculous!!!!!
>>expierence a panic feeling before things happen ,I have been
awakened to a man's voice saying the mysteries,at present I was
learning the mysteries of the rosary.

 I'd almost forgotten about a similar occurence: middle of night 'was
awakened from very deep sleep by a very deep male voice. Voice spoke my
given name only once, didn't recognize voice, it was loud/insistent but
not unfriendly sounding "he" didn't "say" anything more, nver happened

I was awakened by the blessed mother she was crying in my room since
then>>amazing changes in my life has transpired....

 Iwas under K-harrassment , unrelenting for 2 days and two nights. On
the third night a very deep voice said, more like shouted"SAY THE
WORD!!!" Without thinking the word God came out of my mouth. Thirty to
sixty seconds later a blinding white vision, approx 5'3"-5'4" tall was
standing in front of me holding a cross that I had never seen before.
'later found out that it was a Celtic cross. The light was so bright I
couldn't seee the face, but I could draw the details of the gown. Either
an angel, Jesus, Mary or the devil. Will probably never know. Although a
few psyhics have told me I was "close to Mary", and that her energy is
around me.The last statement was last night in front of 18 people,
embarrassing and bewildering and very hard to beleive. Probably true, at
least I hope so, since I don't have any guardian angels. I do have
healing guides two of whom I asked to doulble as guardian angels. Thier
response was they would be honored.
Personally I feel your guides are trying to tell
>>you to pay attention to them ,they are knocking and want you to
listen to
>>yuoor inner knowing,how do you feel about this ?

 Ican't trust what I "Hear", as I no longer actually hear voices. I used
to, even down to recognizeing Maine and southern accents that was NEAT!
Now it's what I call "think talk" just silent/mental words.
 The blue bird brings
>>happiness!!!! love and light to all Rev Denise L.Koons, Heavenly Touch
>>Healing Ministries
   Many thanks for kind words of wisdom, Love, barb

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Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 23:33:39 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: mtvictoryATnospamHOTMAIL.COM
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Boston- Seeking Kundalini teachers
Message-ID: <a16188b9.35e4d394ATnospamaol.com>

Dear G.R. Chandran,

I can certainly recommend a meditation & devotion group based in Cambridge,
who are connected with Mother Sri Karunamayi (Bhagavati Sri Vijayeswari Devi),
a living female saint from India who is a God-realized yogini and a powerful
meditation/yoga teacher. She does not teach Kundalini Yoga specifically, but
virtually everything she does teach has kundalini at base! I have had close
contact with her and I cannot speak too highly of her. You may like to take a
look at her web site :


If what you see there appeals to you, may I suggest you email Larry Kopp who
runs the Boston/Cambridge Centre at : Hanuman1AATnospamaol.com.

God bless,
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 00:01:43 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: hjackson2ATnospamHOTMAIL.COM
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <22784124.35e4da28ATnospamaol.com>

Dear Hudson,

In a message dated 27/8/98 1:54:41 am, you wrote:

>That's not quite right. Sure, we have free will, but it came with a
>responsibility. Just because we have free will doesn't mean that God
>ordained disobedience. That's the responsibility; to be obedient. Read
>the Book of Genesis and you see the lesson plain and clear.

IMHO God gave us the option to be disobedient, through the lessons of which we
may or may not grow to be obedient. But we have to learn that for ourselves
and there is no shortcut. Surely that's what free will means. Of course we
have responsibilities, but once again we have to learn those the hard way.

I repeat, how would you know light if you did not have darkness to compare it
with? Without evil, good would mean nothing to us. It's the contrast that is
so crucial to our evolution into the light, which is why God in his mercy
'ordained' (not the word I would choose but the meaning is clear) that we
should experience it.

God bless,
PS I have read Genesis, but my understanding of it may differ from yours :-)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 01:04:52 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <00cc01bdd178$3a73f300$b8d11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;


I'm pretty much with you up to number five...and then it all falls apart for
me. I think it's called an a priori argument...but it's been a long time
since I studied logic. But if it works for you, that's great.


>Let's try this logic exercise:
>1. God exists (duh!).
>2. God is the Creator and holds the truth.
>3. God created angels.
>4. .: (read, therefore) angels exist.
>5. God creates nothing *but* good.
>6. One angel disobeys the will of God by attempting to put himself above
>God (this was taken from Revelation, but assume it is true if you don't
>know about it).
>7. .: The angel tried to establish a lie.
>8. .: God casts the angel out of heaven to keep #2 valid.
>9. Lie is opposite of truth.
>10. .: Lies are not good.
>11. .: God did not create lies. (see #5)
>12. God created people (see Genesis).
>13. People were given power by God to name animals and other objects.
>(see Genesis for this also.)
>14. Ideas are objects.
>15. .: People were given power by Him to name ideas.
>16. Adam & Eve ate from the forbidden tree, after being tempted to by a
>lying serpent (BE CAREFUL!).
>17. .: They believed the serpent.
>18. .: They believed a lie.
>19. .: They believed in something not good.
>20. .: They saw things good and evil.
>21. .: They recognized their mistake.
>22. .: The concept of evil exists.
>23. .: Evil is not good.
>24. .: God did not create evil.
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:49:20 EDT
From: F19AshATnospamaol.com
To: KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: a question of evil
Message-ID: <176d470b.35e50172ATnospamaol.com>

if people do something bad...then isnt it considered evil or bad then?
Certainly, it is not considered good. Such as murder. I consider murder evil
dont you? Like murder, evil seems very present on earth, and that is because
hell is much closer to earth than heaven (i believe). Demons spread evil and
in turn humans pass it on sometimes i suppose. Dont you agree?
Emily (M)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 03:00:03 EDT
From: F19AshATnospamaol.com
To: pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Regarding the problem of Evil
Message-ID: <9c119c2a.35e503f5ATnospamaol.com>

very interesting points...i personally believe that there are evil beings out
there that affect us. They can spead the bad energy that you spoke of. Also,
in the astral plane, both good and evil are present. This is also where all
"magick" is. White and black. So things obviously are very conflicting and
chaotic there....where anything can happen. Anyways, I believe that evil
beings exist because basically good ones do. I mean...it makes the universe
balance out. Yin and Yang so to speak. White and black. (as in good and
bad) Ghosts on the other hand, can either be what I call demons, or they can
be very friendly, just confused really. A lot of ghosts are really someone's
spirit and soul that have an unfinished purpose here on earth. They dont
really wish to create harm and havoc like a demon would do. Mostly I believe
these things because well....God told me. Simple as that. What more does
anyone need to believe?
Love and light blessed be
Emily (M)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:47:24 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka" <sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: need help
Message-Id: <C125666D.002A0A7C.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Disposition: inline

>> 2. Control diet and life-style. Preferrably keep a light diet,
>> vegetarian if possible with minimal use of onion and garlic.
>> These foods work up the activity of the mind and prevent it
>> from getting into calm state.
>I would like to know if it's on-topic to ask here what is the validity
>of vegetarianism?

There is nothing very hard and fast about keeping a vegetarian
diet nor for that matter the use or non-use of onion / garlic.
Different persons have different constitution styles and for
some abstenance from these foods could be a help in making
progress in meditation. For others it need not be.

Some people seem to be greatly affected by alchohol, and for
some persons it does not make much of a difference.

To debate on food habits is not a productive use of time
because we then take spirituality to the kitchen !

Vegetarianism does not guarantee spiritually progressed persons.
The only thing that could guarantee progress is your own efforts
in that direction.

Vegetarianism was only suggested if it would help. Not that non-
veg eaters are brutes and cannot see God or cannot work further
on the K.

To share my personal observation in the matter, the first six
months of intense regular meditation was greatly enhanced due to
abstenance from non-veg, alcholol, onion, garlic, keeping mum as
much as possible, avoiding arguments and speculation. These
helped in calming the mind and a lot of mental cleaning up took

Cheers and love
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:44:36 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "tariqas" <tariqasATnospamworld.std.com>,
 "Steve Habib Rose" <habibATnospamthegarden.net>,
 "Mystic forum" <mysticATnospammostly.com>,
 "kundalini-l" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
 "insight" <insightATnospamworld.std.com>, "I Am" <iamATnospamonelist.com>,
 "garden" <thegardenATnospamworld.std.com>,
 "FalconBlanco" <FalconBlancoATnospamlistbot.com>,
 "Damian Robert" <aplombATnospamcompuserve.com>,
 "BUDDHIST - Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies" <BUDDHISTATnospamLISTS.MCGILL.CA>,
 <a.lloydATnospamnetmatters.co.uk>, "Wanda Jewasinski" <wjewasATnospamhotmail.com>
Subject: Wot - no existence?
Message-ID: <02a501bdd197$ae6a2260$ca4c95c1ATnospamdefault>
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"In a lot of ways the lurking spectre of god hampers Buddhist
practice. For most people for most of the time god is irrelevant.
For those of us who have an experience of god or realisation (of
whatever nature) and are transformed from a position of 'heard it
was something along these lines' to 'know it is this' there is no
need of justification. The proof is in eating. All these conditional
states, including realised states and experiences of deity, can be
transcended (or moved on from) - they have no significance."

Part of a new thread ("Wot - No God?") on the recently formed

Be Well, Be Happy, Be Kind
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:24:27 PDT
From: "Alan Gaskins" <alan_gaskinsATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, dturinaATnospamhempseed.com
Subject: Re: I AM
Message-ID: <19980827092428.13119.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

At 06:44 1998.08.26 +0000, Maureen Heffernan wrote:>Alan,>you said,
>Kundalini is inclusive and "says" a Way.Yes. a Way - - - TO??? theGreat
>I AM That I Am. References to ? I would say,"Living water",Pentecost
>with the firey tongues over the crown centers, the Holy Spirit Mother,
>etc.I always believed the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the gifts of
>Kundalini, , the results are similar. I have enjoyed very much joining
>this group yet am waiting for the duscusions of what the way leads To.
>So much talk on the phenomena,which is wonderful but what does it lead
>to? Not 24 hour orgasms of the body but I think rather 24 hour
>ectasies,(never could spell that sucker) of the soul. Yes???
Excellent! That is the very question that is on my mind for some
and I've been wondering should I ask it here or not... what is the goal-
and is there one?
Self realization? I would put it differently: is it the goal or thepath?

     There is no to or from. the way is. the I AM is. I AM THE WAY.
no strings. unconditional. ...
     An elderly woman stood up to protest the sermon of a young preacher
- "Young man, I do not believe you are right in your teaching, and I
should know, for I have been in The Way for over 60 years"
     "Sister, perhaps it is time you got out of the way and let someone
else in !" :-)


     Everything is relative to the mind, including the mind itself...

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