Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/04/09 18:50
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #283

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 283

Today's Topics:
  [Fwd: Sufi] [ Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net ]
  RE: swamy/let there be light [ "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CU ]
  RE: swamy/let there be light [ "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CU ]
  Re: swamy/let there be light [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
  RE: swamy/let there be light [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
  Who is CURTICMATnospamhoemail1.email.dupont [ Jeanne Garner <jeannegATnospamicon.net> ]
  RE: Kalachakra Tantra [ Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com (Dirk Hauet ]
  RE: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com (Dirk Hauet ]
  Re book list (FWD) [ Chris Hughes <aird.houseATnospamzetnet.co. ]
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail. ]
  Re: kundalini questions in kundalini [ "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail. ]
  RE: Kalachakra Tantra [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
  Tummo teachings - long [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
  kundalini gateway, kundalini-l (was [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 13:10:20 -0700
From: Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net>
To: Kundalini Mailing List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: [Fwd: Sufi]
Message-ID: <352D2B2B.DA73F11BATnospamtransbay.net>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------C973FD9384FAA8E55DCBB73F"

Message-ID: <352D2AB3.B66DAC1FATnospamtransbay.net>
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 13:08:19 -0700
From: Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.02 [en] (Win95; I)

To: umbadaATnospamns.sympatico.ca
Subject: Re: Sufi
References: <199804091206.NAA27094ATnospamboober.lineone.net> <352D55DF.350EATnospamns.sympatico.ca>

> If you don't want anything but genuine understanding, Rajneesh is fine.

I'm not sure of your definition of Genuine Understanding, but from my readings
on and encounters with followers of Rajneesh or Osho I found little evidence of
anything other than a very stimulating spiritual circus going on.

The exercises he prescribed were often very geared to bringing out physical or
emotional reactions as opposed to spiritual growth. Sleep disruption...Hours
staring at a mirror without blinking...Laughing or crying for hours. All these
exercises have side-effects which sometimes are real spiritual experiences, but
more often are not genuine.

However, I don't know all there is to know about Osho. My one question though
is Did he leave behind any fully enlightened students? That to me seems the
best way to judge a spiritual teacher.

  Dan M.

Date: 09 Apr 1998 16:42:09 -0400
From: "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CURTIS-1ATnospamusa.conoco.com>
To: Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> (IPM Return requested),
 Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr> (IPM Return requested)
cc: "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com> (IPM Return requested)
Subject: RE: swamy/let there be light
Content-Identifier: 02707352D32A1017
Content-Return: Allowed


 -----Original Message-----
From: Harsh Luthar [SMTP:hlutharATnospambryant.edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 1998 1:28 PM
To: Danijel Turina
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: swamy/let there be light

 << File: ATTACH01.TXT >>
Date: 09 Apr 1998 16:42:09 -0400
From: "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CURTIS-1ATnospamusa.conoco.com>
To: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr> (IPM Return requested),
 "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com> (IPM Return requested)
Subject: RE: swamy/let there be light
Content-Identifier: 02707352D32A1018
Content-Return: Allowed


 -----Original Message-----
From: Danijel Turina [SMTP:sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr]
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 1998 12:50 PM
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: swamy/let there be light

At 11:35 1998.04.09 -0400, you wrote:
>Gloria Lee wrote:
>> >Just "WHO" has the windex??? Enquiring minds want to know...LOL
>Harsha: I came across the following conversation with Ramana Maharshi in
>which he gives some advice on Yoga and Jnana.
>Devotee: Can this path of enquiry be followed by all aspirants?
> Maharshi: This is suitable only for ripe souls. The rest should follow
>different methods according to the state of their minds.
> Devotee: What are the other methods?
> Maharshi: They are stuti, japa, dhyana, yoga, jnana, etc.
> Stuti is singing the praises of the Lord with a feeling of great
>Yoga. The source of breath is the same as that of the mind, therefore
>subsidence of either leads to that of the other. The practice of
>the mind through breath control is called yoga.
> Fixing the mind on psychic centers such as the sahasrara (lit. the
>petalled lotus) yogis can remain any length of time without awareness
>their bodies. As long as this state continues they appear to be
 immersed in
>some kind of joy. But when the mind emerges (becomes active again) it
>resumes its worldly thoughts. It is therefore necessary to train it
>the help of practice like dhyana whenever it becomes externalized. It
>then attain a state in which there is neither subsidence nor emergence.
> Jnana is stilling the mind and realizing the Self through the constant
>practice of dhyana or enquiry (vichara). The extinction of the mind is
>state in which there is cessation of all efforts. Those who are
>in the spontaneous effortless state have realized their true nature,
>Self. The term 'silence' (mouna) and inaction refer to this state

Well, actually, it seems to me that the question wasn't how to get
Self-realized (meaning nirvikalpa samadhi), but how to express that
Otherwise, it isn't much good - you go back to your unrefined body with
much of an ability to express the Self. I think the point is in cleaning
the vehicles of expression (different bodies for different planes) or
self realization won't be of much use in the relative. :) I would even
that it may become an obstacle to further growth, since one may use it to
escape the problems in daily life. That is the use of yoga -
until inner and outer realities are one. Until there is no difference
between samsara and nirvana. Where there is only nirvana, and nothing to
back to - no impure body awaiting in the relative.
There is a windex, yes. :))

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 22:57:28 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: swamy/let there be light
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 12:25 1998.04.09 -0400, you wrote:
>Danijel Turina wrote:
>> That is the use of yoga - purification,
>> until inner and outer realities are one. Until there is no difference
>> between samsara and nirvana. Where there is only nirvana, and nothing to go
>> back to - no impure body awaiting in the relative.
>Harsha: Quite right. That is the Self-Realization we speak of. It is not an
>escape. What would it be an escape from? All planes of Consciousness exist
>the Self. No Bondage. No Liberation. No Coming. No Going. Pure, Complete, and
>Eternal Being.

Well, that is one thing, being able to live that on the outside as well as
on the inside is another. :) (of course, then there is no inside nor outside;)
Complete avatars are example of that state.

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 23:11:37 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CURTIS-1ATnospamusa.conoco.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: swamy/let there be light
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

If you want to unsubscribe, stop mail bombing the list, and send a message
to kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE
If you want to have your account locked because of aggressive and abusive
behavior, keep up the good work. I think Mystress will help you achieve
this goal.

At 16:42 1998.04.09 -0400, you wrote:

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 15:19:03
From: Jeanne Garner <jeannegATnospamicon.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Who is CURTICMATnospamhoemail1.email.dupont.com
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

...and why is he mailbombing this list? To wit:

>Return-Path: kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com
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>Date: 09 Apr 1998 16:42:09 -0400
>From: "CONCETTA M. CURTIS" <CONCETTA.M.CURTIS-1ATnospamusa.conoco.com>
>To: Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> (IPM Return requested),
> Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr> (IPM Return requested)
>cc: "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com> (IPM
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>Subject: RE: swamy/let there be light
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> -----Original Message-----
>From: Harsh Luthar [SMTP:hlutharATnospambryant.edu]
>Sent: Thursday, April 09, 1998 1:28 PM
>To: Danijel Turina
>Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
>Subject: Re: swamy/let there be light
> << File: ATTACH01.TXT >>
 ==-* My stars!
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:32:55 -0400
From: Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com (Dirk Haueter)
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>,
 "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>,
 "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: RE: Kalachakra Tantra
Message-ID: <00019FD1.ATnospamhrsoft.com>

Content-Description: cc:Mail note part

For those that can't wait a whole year to see HH Dalai Lama, he will also be in
Madison Wisconsin in May.

His Holiness The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
will be in Madison ,Wis. from May 13-15, 1998
His Holiness will offer an Empowerment into the kriya tantra practice of
AVALOKITESHVARA, the embodiment of all the Buddhas compassion and the patron
deity of Tibet. This is a precious opportunity to receive the empowerment
directly from the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.

To: Debora A. Orf; kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Kalachakra Tantra

>Is anybody planning on going to see HHDL in Aug 1999 for the Kalachakra
>Tantra initiation?=20
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:33:16 -0400
From: Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com (Dirk Haueter)
To: Sylvia Miner <miner1ATnospambellsouth.net>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <00019FD7.ATnospamhrsoft.com>

Content-Description: cc:Mail note part

Sylvia Miner writes:
I would like to understand what Kundalini is all about.

Dirk: Yes, I would like to understand also.

What are the positive
and negative effects it has on people who have it?

Dirk: It seems to have as many effects are there are people. The effects are
equally positive or negative depending on how you view them and how you use

What does one need to read
to grow spiritually strong?

Dirk: A previous post gave a list of books on Kundalini. You need not read
anything. Follow the joy of your heart. It will always lead you to the people
and books you need if you are open to it.

What happens with friendships and relationships to
those that realize they have kundalilni experiences?
Dirk: They change. Always they change. What is new becomes old, what is old
becomes new. Remember that what you put your attention on grows stronger in your
life. The friendships can become more meaningful and full of love or you may
move on to what serves your new understandings. Many things will seem different.
Some people and things will be cherished for their familiarity.
Best of joy on your path.

I appreciate your support.

Sylvia Miner
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 22:36:12 +0100
From: Chris Hughes <aird.houseATnospamzetnet.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re book list (FWD)
Message-ID: <1998040922361284101ATnospamzetnet.co.uk>

Dear Soul
Please add this to the book list
I realize it is a bit long please edit to suit.
Love Chris
=============== Start of forwarded message ===================

B.S.Goel ( Sri Siddheshwar Baba) has written excellent books
Third Eye and Kundalini
( An experiential Account of Journey From Dust to Divinity)ISBN 81-85082-01-4
Psyco-Analysis and Meditation ISBN 81-85082-03-0
and other related books

THe B.S. Goel books are excellent giving much identification and
hope to people who feel that they are going mad through the effects
of Kundalini awakening.The parts about the opening of the third eye
are exteremly interesting He was originally an atheist and a communist.
His story is similar to Gopi Krishna in that they both led fairly
ordinary lives prior to K and then through the awakening process( with
difficulty). The books goes into great detail in a scientific way.
Most important he is alive today and approachable, he is well
educated. I have no doubt having been to his Ashram and spent a
fortnight in his company that he is God realized. Amazing thing
happened on the ashram which I witnessed. Involuntary bastrica in non
yoga experienced persons, people had visions who were not normally
visual and a great feeling of non judgmental love for all accompanied
by floods of tears was experienced by my self( It is in my nature to
be critical nor am I, as a male, given to tears).
Any in-depth investigation of Kundalini from a medical point of view
or any one having experienced K will find him a treasure trove.
If you have difficult getting the books from your normal supplier
the address is
Shri Siddheshwar Ashram
 V. & P.O. Bhigaan -131033

   Love Chris
Sai Ram

=============== End of forwarded message ===================
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 15:23:57 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, tfm0107ATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center in kundalini-l-d
    Digest V98 #265
Message-ID: <19980409222358.24860.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Help...I am a 30+ college student taking an Asian Humanites class and
am in need
>of information on Kundalini Yoga. I have procrastinated and have only
>days to finish a research paper. Have some information on Kundalini
Yoga but
>found there is limited info in libraries.
>What make Kundalini Yoga different from other types of yoga. In
layman's terms,
>what are the philosophies of Kundalini yoga as opposed to other yogas.
Any info
>would be greatly appreaciated. THANKS

Shame on you for delaying. You are asking for the equivalent of a three
day course in quantum physics.

In one sense Kundalini Yoga has so many meanings it actually has none.

It is registered in the U.S. by the Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization(?)
(known as 3HO) and the teacher is Yogi Bhajan (not sure of the spelling
of his name). It is also the name given to their form of the yogas
(hatha, prayanama, etc.) I am sure they have a web-site, though I am not
involved with them so I don't know the URL (check Yahoo, Web-Crawler,

Now to the more traditional meaning. In reality all the branches of Yoga
relate to Kundalini, some just don't seem so until you understand more
about them. For example Hatha Yoga (the postures most people think of as
"Yoga") was created to prepare the body for Kundalini's awakening and
upward movement. Pranayama can be used to control and direct K. Service
to God or others (Bhakti Yoga) helps build the character of the person
so he/she will be morally prepared for the awakening of Kundalini and
will not use any of the powers that may develop for evil purposes (this
is actually more for the individual than for others because doing wrong
builds bad karma and hurts the student in this and future lives).

The term Kundalini Yoga usually means the study and practice of the
management of Kundalini. That can take many forms. There are several
good books on the topic that begin to explain it in a couple of hundred
pages. If you really need to understand it to do the paper get one of
those books, the best is a paperback titled "Kundalini Yoga" and I don't
remember the author (it is one of a series by Swamis from a school in
India the others relate to it and together they provide a good picture).

If your teacher knows this subject you should stop now and kiss
yourself. It is only good manners, you have already screwed yourself



Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 15:35:10 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, margolisATnospamtransbay.net
Subject: Re: kundalini questions in kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #266
Message-ID: <19980409223510.5434.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dan wrote:
I would like to propose another survey. For everyone on the list who's
kundalini is awakened:What practice or experience caused your kundalini


Mine was awake at birth.

If you need a cause it would be my work in a past life and/or my mother
having an awakened K (according to the Vedic teachings a woman who
becomes pregnant after she has an awakening will have a child whose K is
awake). Base on what I know and logic, I'd say it was both.

I was just in a research focus group with 5 other people who, like me,
were born with K awake. This is not to say it took anything like the
same path in any two of us.

I know several friends who did not have an awakening at birth the all
used Vedic based techniques to awaken it that were sometimes the same as
what I was using to control and direct it and sometimes slightly
different but all along the same lines.



Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 16:30:35 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: "'Dirk Haueter'" <Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com>,
 "Debora A. Orf"
Subject: RE: Kalachakra Tantra
Message-ID: <01BD63D4.D31C8480.keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>

Actually you can get the *COMPLETE SCOOP* on HHDL's teaching schedule at:
http://www.tibet.com/teaching98.html (I knew I had that bookmark somewhere)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Haueter [SMTP:Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 1998 12:33 PM
To: Kurt Keutzer; Debora A. Orf; kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Kalachakra Tantra

For those that can't wait a whole year to see HH Dalai Lama, he will also be in
Madison Wisconsin in May.

His Holiness The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
will be in Madison ,Wis. from May 13-15, 1998
His Holiness will offer an Empowerment into the kriya tantra practice of
AVALOKITESHVARA, the embodiment of all the Buddhas compassion and the patron
deity of Tibet. This is a precious opportunity to receive the empowerment
directly from the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.

To: Debora A. Orf; kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Kalachakra Tantra

>Is anybody planning on going to see HHDL in Aug 1999 for the Kalachakra
>Tantra initiation?=20
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 16:44:56 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: "'Dirk Haueter'" <Dirk_HaueterATnospamhrsoft.com>,
 "Debora A. Orf"
Subject: Tummo teachings - long
Message-ID: <01BD63D6.D4CEB670.keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>

Given the current blip of interest in Tibetan stuff I thought it would be
worth mentioning:
Thubten Pende, one of Lama Yeshe's senior Western students will be giving
Tummo teachings May 8-10 (I think I have that date right) at

Vajrapani Institute
      PO Box 2130
     Boulder Creek, CA 95006-2130

    Voice: (408) 338-6654
   FAX: (408) 338-3666
     E-mail: Amy Miller at

I talked to Thubten Pende about the prerequisites for those teachings and
he said that there were *no particular prerequisites* and that he had
received Lama Yeshe's blessing to give this teaching in this format. So for
those of you who are interested in tummo and can make your way to Boulder
Creek (better get directions before you go - this place is a bit hard to
find) this is a great and rare opportunity.

Here is some background that I wrote a while back for the kundalini yogas

Kundalini Yoga in the Tibetan Tradition

Kundalini yoga is taught in all four (Nyingma, Kargyudpa, Sakya and
Gelugpa) of the major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. For this reason this
FAQ would be very incomplete if it failed to mention something about
Tibetan schools of kundalini yoga. On the other hand it would be
extremely mis-leading to simply give a list of Tibetan Buddhist centers in
America as though one could walk right in and sign up for a course on
kundalini yoga. Some history may help here.

The tradition of the Indian Mahasiddhas who founded Hatha yoga and the
Indian Mahasiddhas who founded many of the important lineages of
Tibetan Buddhism are intertwined. As a result it is no surprise that these
two traditions share many practices in common. In particular kundalini
yoga, known as candali yoga (Tibetan: gTummo rnal 'byor) in Tantric
Buddhism, is taught in the Completion Stages of a number of Tibetan
Buddhist practices. To better understand this it will be necessary to put
the gTummo yoga practice in the broader context of Tibetan Buddhist
practice. Unfortunately, there is only sufficient space here to barely
overview the stages of Tibetan Buddhist Tantric practice. Briefly they can
be organized as follows: First come preliminaries such as taking refuge in
the Buddha and making prostrations and offerings to the Buddha, the
teachings and the assembly. Some teachers will require that preliminary
practices, such as taking refuge, be performed 100,000 times. When a
teacher is satisfied with the students performance of the preliminaries
then an initiation into a deity practice may be conveyed. This entails
meditating on a deity and its mandala, repeating its mantra and performing
service to the deity. In Tantric Buddhism a deity is not viewed as an
external god but rather a state of one's own transformed mind. Deity
practice eliminates one's clinging to one's ordinary appearance. With these
practices a student begins the Generation (or Cultivation) stage of

With the Completion stage come a variety of yogic practices. Of these
candali (or kundalini) yoga forms the core of Completion stage practice
in the Six Yogas of Naropa as well as the Cakrasamvara, Hevajra and
Yamantaka tantras. The actual practice of candali yoga has its own
preliminaries. These include physical yogic practices similar to asanas.
Next come a series of imaginations (or visualizations) and finally breath
control practices aimed at awakening the kundalini. The encouraging news
here is that the hatha yoga lineages have been successfully
maintained for over a thousand years within Tibetan Buddhism. The challenge
for the student of kundalini yoga is to find access to them.
Following the path from preliminaries, through Generation Stage practices
to Completion Stage practices requires a great sincerity and
commitment to Buddhist practice and many years of concentrated effort but
there are great extremes in the presentation of these teachings.

For some teachers of Tibetan Buddhism gTummo is only taught within the
context of a three year retreat. At the other extreme there are some
teachers of Tibetan Buddhism who have openly offered detailed instruction
in gTummo yoga to anyone who cared to attend a seminar. In one
particular seminar everything from refuge, to initiation to gTummo
instruction was offered within a single weekend. In summary, kundalini yoga
has a pivotal role within the practice of Tibetan Buddhism but it is deeply
embedded within this comprehensive path to spiritual development. As
a result the devoted practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism will almost certainly
be exposed to kundalini yoga at some point in his practice. On the
other hand an individual looking to a Tibetan Buddhist teacher for
immediate instruction in kundalini yoga is almost certain to become
and disappointed.
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 17:38:55 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: "'Mystress Angelique Serpent'" <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>,
 Jan Barendrecht
Cc: b bah <happyhunaATnospamyahoo.com>,
Subject: kundalini gateway, kundalini-l (was RE: HTML posts and the K-list website.)
Message-ID: <01BD63DE.5F21C4A0.keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>

I nearly missed Angeliques mail because of the subject line. Based on her
post it seems to me that this is a good time to reassess kundalini-l and
the gateway.

>From the top:
 there are technologies:
a)Listservers and their relatives (e.g. kundalini-l)
b)Web/websites (e.g. http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.html)
c)Usenet newsgroups (e.g. alt.yoga)

And there are uses:
1)Sharing experiences/ mutual emotional support
2)General human discourse, chat, debate
3)Information exchange on practices, teachers
4)(Altruistic) information dissemination, exposition

I think they match up like this:
a)Listservers and their relatives - 1)Sharing experiences/ mutual emotional
support 3)Information exchange on practices, teachers

b)Web/websites -4)(Altruistic) information dissemination, exposition

c)Usenet newsgroups -2)General human discourse, chat, debate, 3)Information
exchange on practices, teachers

Currently I think that kundalini-l : A)is not realizing its potential as a
supportive environment for sharing experiences and emotional support. I've
exchanged email with a number of people who are afraid of posting for fear
of ridicule. That's a shame. These exchanges have also made me realize
that I'm part of the problem with my (not ill intentioned but nevertheless
often tiresome) tendency to correct etc. So I'm working to shape up. I
think some of the email traffic for sharing and support has moved onto
sub-lists - but my impression is that these lack critical mass (please
correct me if I'm wrong).
B) Because listservers are a push/broadcast medium they are poorly suited
to 2) General human discourse, chat, debate. Why? Because you get a bunch
of stuff you never asked for (or wanted) showing up in your mailbox every
day. Usenet newsgroups are a much better medium for this kind of thing.
They are:
Threaded - you can easily read the threads you want and
Archived and searchable with intelligent archive tools - www.dejanews
archives usenet and allows for easy searching.

So I would suggest: 1) creating an alt.meditation.kundalini usenet
newsgroup and
2) focusing kundalini-l on a supportive exchange of experiences and
informational exchange on teachers and practices. I think it would be great
to keep the ``chat'' traffic down a bit as well.

As far as the web goes. I think that there are some cool sites out there




Are a few of my favorites. Unless we want to go all the way to create
``kundalini central'' it's not clear we're going to do any better than
these folks. I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm but why not put
our effort into making these sites better?

I know directly that there are a lot of people who are trying to create
tools for developing more of a real cyber-village environment on the web.
These tools aren't mature yet. When they are then there will be more com
munication support for truly ``linking up'' on the web. My concern here is
that we really need to build a supportive environment first - otherwise
these tools are only going to make things worse. If someone just called you
a jerk and said your post was a joke (more or less directly)- what's the
point of getting a nice visual image of the sender with that message? Or
reading the post in an ``enhanced environment''.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts. Thanks to Angelique for persevering
to keep this list going and for her thoughts on the web. Thanks to the many
of you who do work to make this a pleasant place to meet.

Kind Regards,


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