Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/03/17 19:10
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #203

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 203

Today's Topics:
  African magic etc [ Tom_I_BradleyATnospamEURO.CCMAIL.compuserv ]
  Re: Attitude [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
  The Primitive Awareness. [ "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <rgvgATnospam ]
  The Garden - a poem [ John Halonen <halonenATnospamflash.net> ]
  Just a though [ Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net> ]
  Re: SRI AUROBINDO AND DIVINE MOTHER [ Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net> ]
  Re: Really Powerful Words [ Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> ]
  Re: dynamic migraine? [ Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net> ]
  Re: Discovering the reptile within [ Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ Alan Byron <ArjunaATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: One truth [ "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: the unsubscribing dilema [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistres ]
  Re: Just a though [ Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net ]
  Re: The Ascent and Descent of the Sh [ Harsha1MTM <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com> ]
  Re: The Primitive Awareness. [ Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net> ]
  Re: Just a though [ Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net> ]
  Re: Discovering the reptile within [ E Jason <lobsterATnospamclara.net> ]
  K and economic status [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 09:53:49 -0500
From: Tom_I_BradleyATnospamEURO.CCMAIL.compuserve.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: African magic etc
Message-ID: <199803170956_MC2-3712-A4D5ATnospamcompuserve.com>

Content-Disposition: inline

Hi Anurag,

     Thank you for writing! This is a great list for finding things out
concerning your interests. There are few lists where you find such spiritually
aware, well-informed people - it's like having the resources of a planet-wide
spiritual group mind available to you. I hope you enjoy it and get something
out of it like I do.

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:09:47 +0100
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Attitude
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Anurag! :)

At 16:14 1998.03.17 +0530, you wrote:
>> Hi Anurag! :)
>> At 23:55 1998.03.15 +0530, you wrote:
>> >
>> >Hi Harsha,
>> > Can I know where do I lack and how is my attitude poor?
>> Well, you should take enlightenment more lightly for a start. :)))
>> Take care! :)
> Can you be more clear?

I can try. :) Let's see... "Lighten up a bit, will ya?!" :)))) LOL :))))
How was that for clarity? :)))

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 07:41:39 PST
From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <rgvgATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Primitive Awareness.
Message-ID: <19980317154142.1505.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>KK says:

What struck me is that the cosmic awareness, at least as I experience
>it, is so primitive.
>But Even in it's unity it is primitive. Differential
>geometry, Kripke structures, chess - now those are complicated.
>awareness - that's primitive.
You are right about the primitive feeling. And yes, geometry, chess, are
indeed complicated. I think that complexity and simplicity are two ways
of finding out the same. They lead to each other. One can go through the
complicated way and find out it was all so simple at the end. And, once
one finds that out, complex things doesn´t seem so complex anymore.
Finally you get the perspective. The Universe is primitive in the way
that it exists without our minds having to find out how it works with
geometry, etc.

So yes, now that I hear you, K leads to the primitive side of it. It´s
the awakening of the awareness that lies withing it all without the
laberinth and games our minds play.

Thank you for your input. It may sound silly but when I read:
"what struck me is that the cosmic awareness, at least as I experience
it, is so primitive".
I could sense the smell of the jungle, and it felt great (and


Lima, Peru.

P.S: Comments will be appreciated.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 09:53:02 -0500
From: John Halonen <halonenATnospamflash.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: The Garden - a poem
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The Garden.

I stood before the hill,
And prayed to what I thought was god.
Not wanting to believe it was my spiritual body,
That was the center of the being.
The mental on the left side of the hill,
And the physical on the right.
They had created an ego,
That they might be the greatest bodies of all.
The mental was genius, and the physical
So strong it could crush a mountain.
Then they said that spirit was god,
A separate entity from themselves.
In this they were the only bodies.
Now separate from spirit,
They were also separate from mankind.
They worshipped spirit to create a wall,
Between god and themselves.
A barrier to never be broken.
They walked and talked among men,
Proclaiming their achievements and greatness.
Soon spirit was in the shadows,
Left alone and forgotten.
Eventually, they began to wonder,
What were these achievements for?
Was there a reason for these things?
These beautiful creations.
They began a search for something,
Unsure of what they would find.
They came to the hill, and saw god at the center,
He so blinded them they didn't notice,
They were standing on each side of god.
There they joined again,
With a feeling of fullness and joy
The egos slowly dissipated.
Whole with the universe.
Fear evaporated, and love spread abound.

I dreamt this poem.

John Halonen
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 10:54:15 -0500
From: Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Just a though
Message-ID: <350E9CA6.EFE4716AATnospamconcentric.net>

IF the ability to become "truly enlighten" (whatever that means) is tied, in any
way, to genitical heredity

THEN, from written history, the human specie as a problem in "evolving" along
that path

FOR people we call "truly enlighten" do not usually reproduce themselves.

Reactions are welcome


"A new world is born in every moment. The question is, are we present to this
magnificent birth?" Marcus S. Robinson
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:05:05 -0500
From: Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: "Harsha1MTM (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <350E9F31.59690F81ATnospamconcentric.net>

Harsha1MTM (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent ) wrote:

> You are right Steve. Sri Chinmoy, who is a disciple of Sri Aurbindo, advocates
> working on the heart center first.

For the books: but not Sri Aurobindo, use the tools as you need them, from where
you start, to open a part of you, and learn to throw them away when they are not
necessary anymore.

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:00:11 -0500
From: Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: Chris Hughes <aird.houseATnospamzetnet.co.uk>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Really Powerful Words
Message-ID: <350EAC1B.387C0336ATnospambryant.edu>

Chris Hughes wrote:

> Dear Souls
> This is a quote from Mahatma Ghandi

Correct me if I am wrong but should it not be Gandhi?.....Harsha.
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:00:59 -0500
From: Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: "Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D." <hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: dynamic migraine?
Message-ID: <350EAC4A.A92F1C0AATnospamconcentric.net>

Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:

> Like many on the list, I have a long history of migraines that used to
> appear coincident with my hormonal cycle. Since K, the headaches have
> recently become somewhat worse and occur whenever I am ill in some
> other way and/or when I have a histamine reaction to medication. At
> the same time, I have become ultra-sensitive to medications, alcohol,
> etc. and have to be very careful what I ingest. I'm assuming these new
> developments are part of the purification stuff, but I wonder if the
> migraines are actually a way of expelling energy as the body changes.
> If so, has anybody got an easier way?! Thanks, Holly

Hello Holly,

I have had very few migraines in my life, but lately deep work as been going
own in my brain.

In the other parts of the body, i opened knots by directly accessing to them
with the mind, letting myself sink in awareness in the place where the energy
is working, and by a act of the mind learning to tap in the tissues to let
them expand, relax themselves, and let the knot diffuse itself. The same can
be done in the brain, it just a bit more difficult since we are used to sit
our center of awareness there in occidental society.

To give an example, when we have a cramp in a muscles. We can if we are
deeply calm enough go into that muscle to relax it with our awareness. For me
a migraine is just another kind of cramp.

Hope this helps

"A new world is born in every moment. The question is, are we present to
this magnificent birth?" Marcus S. Robinson
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:14:31 -0500
From: Harsh Luthar <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: "keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu" <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
CC: "'umbadaATnospamns.sympatico.ca'" <umbadaATnospamns.sympatico.ca>,
 "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Discovering the reptile within
Message-ID: <350EAF77.D93B5141ATnospambryant.edu>

Kurt Keutzer wrote:

> >KK.
> That's a good point. Gopi Krishna talks about spontaneously spouting
> Sanskrit poetry and all that. But if you read his published poetry - well
> you can decide yourself whether it is genius or not.

That is so funny Kurt. Now you are a poetry critic also! Had I known I would
not have sent you my Christmas Jingle in December!......Harsha
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 07:54:25 -1000 (HST)
From: Alan Byron <ArjunaATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199803171754.HAA29129ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

My wife,Adele, and I have received Shaktipat from Sri Siddheshwar Baba.
Adele was very moved by the story of Lalleshwara and would like some information, booklist etc.
I personally have had little in the way of any energy like experience in my spine or anything particularly unusual. Is this 'normal'
My wife had some spinal energy experience soon after shaktipat,the length of the spine to her head, but not much since.
Our Guru has advised not to do any specific kundalini excercises but that shakti would cleanse the chakras of her own accord. Any comments?
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:10:52 PST
From: "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, lobsterATnospamclara.net
Subject: Re: One truth
Message-ID: <19980317191052.8283.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>However we have to respect their blocks and conditioning just as others
do about
>our own limitations. We have to listen to them, so they can hear their
>However we too have a choice (perhaps because of our lack of patience
>limited capacity to bear the reflection of our own intolerance) to
ignore or
>ridicule the narrow minded. That too is narrow and confined. This is
why we
>respect those with defects and welcome them. They are ourself.
>My hat
>my Lobster
>HMMM??? Is this the very same Lobster who DID ridicule that very same
post?? And the same one who refuses to see that he misled (even
unintentionally) by his humor and led to the confusion with Roberto from
Peru ?? Whom he then will not deign to forgive?? OK..so they are
ourself?? We have met the enemy and he is US...(old Peanuts cartoon)
Glad you clarified all this for us, Lobster.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:38:36
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: Pam Myers <pmyersATnospammail.coin.missouri.edu>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: the unsubscribing dilema
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:45 17/03/98 -0600, Pam Myers wrote:
I have personally requested the
>list owner to unsubscribe me and I am still on the list..
>Pam Myers: pmyersATnospammail.coin.missouri.edu
  And the list owner has also tried to unsub you 4 times, and the computer
insists you are not on the list. So you must be subscribed by another
address, and I dunno what that is.

    If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
 Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
   Website <http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.htm>
   in europe <http://www.telebyte.nl/~frans/kundalini/>
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Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:37:08 -0800
From: Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net>
To: acarreATnospamconcentric.net, Kundalini Mailing List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Just a though
Message-ID: <350EDEF1.47D53F34ATnospamtransbay.net>

> IF the ability to become "truly enlighten" (whatever that means) is tied, in any
> way, to genitical heredity
> THEN, from written history, the human specie as a problem in "evolving" along
> that path
> FOR people we call "truly enlighten" do not usually reproduce themselves.
> Reactions are welcome
> Antoine

The evolution of enlightenment is most commonly explained through the laws of karma
instead of genetics. As beings pass through many rebirths they occasionally become
humans and even more occasionally become enlightened. In the Mahayana Buddhist
tradition after enlightenment beings can chose to return to the earth to show others
the path to enlightenment. So no enlightened beings ever 'disappear.'

In biological evolutionary theory there has been much discussion recently about
people that do things contrary to biological imperative. One explanation brought up
by Dawkins(I'm not sure of his first name) is that there is a chemical evolution of
genomes through the laws of natural selection, and these same laws also apply to
evolution of idiomes(I think that's his term). Basically thought patterns obey the
same laws that apply to the biological world. They exist, they can evolve/change,
and they can die. The thought patterns that have the best chance of survival last
the longest. So a thought that has vitality will last a long time and continue to
evolve. There can also be conflict between this realm of thought and the realm of
the biological. If enlightenment is also a function of the thought realm and it is
a long lived way of thinking then even if biological it is selected out,
ideologically it may be selected for and will continue to grow and reproduce. The
book 'The Dangerous Gene' by Dawkins describes this theory.

Personally, I feel that the state of enlightenment exists, has always existed and
is a part of each of us. It isn't something that evolves through time, though our
limited perceptions makes it seem as we are moving through time and socially and
spiritually evolving. It is something that is always a part of us though perhaps in
a different place in the temporal realm.

    Dan M.
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 15:29:27 EST
From: Harsha1MTM <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com>
To: barathiATnospampc.jaring.my, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Ascent and Descent of the Shakti
Message-ID: <55778046.350edd29ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-03-17 09:31:50 EST, barathiATnospampc.jaring.my writes:

<< The sage Ganapathi Muni was deeply involved with
  Sri Vidya, the divine sciece of Mother Goddess Knowledge.
  He was also performing special worship of Uchchishta Ganapathi,
  apart from deep meditations and severe penance. He was also
  an expert in the Science of Manthras. With all these practices,
  the Kundalini started to play havoc in him. He could always feel
  as if ants were biting him all over. On and off he would feel
  as if his brain etc., were boiling inside his head; He developed
  splitting headaches and was suffering very much.
   One day he told his guru, Ramana Maharishi, the sage of
  Arunachala. Ramana simply stroked the head of Ganapathy,
  and Ganapathy felt great releif. >>

Yes. I know the story. Nice to hear it again.......Best wishes........Harsha
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 13:15:30 -0800
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Primitive Awareness.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 07:41 AM 3/17/98 PST, Roberto Gonzales del Valle wrote:
>>KK says:
>What struck me is that the cosmic awareness, at least as I experience
>>it, is so primitive.
>Thank you for your input. It may sound silly but when I read:
>"what struck me is that the cosmic awareness, at least as I experience
>it, is so primitive".
>I could sense the smell of the jungle, and it felt great (and

Me, too! Smelled it in the title of Roberto's post, anyway, so I clicked on

Now there's a good Intention. Gardenia perfume!!! :-)))))

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 18:12:40 -0500
From: Antoine <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net>
CC: Kundalini Mailing List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Just a though
Message-ID: <350F0367.C05CEF99ATnospamconcentric.net>

Hello Dan M.

Your answer is very interesting...

Taking a symbol, to try to go deeper in this topic: the star of David (one triangle
pointing down, Karma in this case, one triangle pointing up, genetics or evolution) for
me represent two side, way of manifesting, of the same "force".

Of course God can manifest it/himself in the moment in any form. And he does, but why
should he force another path then nature "laws" of evolution when he can use them?

> As beings pass through many rebirths they occasionally become
> humans and even more occasionally become enlightened.

Would it not be easier for this Being to start from a body that as already been prepared
by others beings, i.e. the mother and the father incarnated before copulation?

> In the Mahayana Buddhist
> tradition after enlightenment beings can chose to return to the earth to show others
> the path to enlightenment. So no enlightened beings ever 'disappear.'

No they do not disappear, but to come back they must work with what they have on this
plane from the limit of their capacities. Would be interesting to see what comes out
from an enlighten mother and father giving birth to an enlighten Being, and "maintaining
space" around the child until he grows strong enough.

Some say it take 9 bodies on this plane, others 3, to contain the avatar of the entity
called Christ. I don't know if it's true or not. But i can see that a body in this
species a century from now could contain much more, of the Being it is associated to,
than it does today

> In biological evolutionary theory there has been much discussion recently about
> people that do things contrary to biological imperative.

Yes... seems Nature has difficulty making those two triangles converge to create a
perfect harmony between the two "planes" (biological and spiritual). As the lower
triangle gets close to the higher triangle, it seems to want to jump over forgetting the
lower triangle. Nature is having a real hard time to come to center those two triangles
in the heart of a human living (reproductive) being.

In the study of human evolution from the prehistoric man of "Cro-Magnon" (in french),
you have many examples of possible future human species with bigger brains then, that
did not pass the test. "Their brain evolved to fast for them to find living interesting
knowing they where to die, what was the point of living for them?", one of my teacher in
philosophy likes to say.

In Buddhism (Nirvana/Samsara duality) and in Catholicism (Paradise on the sky, Hell to
keep you going here, duality), is reflected, in some way, the same tendency to divide
the two triangles or two planes of existence. Was it because the human mind was not
ready then, in the body, to synthesize both as one?

> Personally, I feel that the state of enlightenment exists, has always existed and
> is a part of each of us. It isn't something that evolves through time, though our
> limited perceptions makes it seem as we are moving through time and socially and
> spiritually evolving. It is something that is always a part of us though perhaps in
> a different place in the temporal realm.

Yes... very true and like you said we have to work from where we started until we leave
time to be in the now at all levels of our existence.

A question i ask myself sometimes is if my work, from my body, helps more all of
humanity (and more), to reach this point, when i work only on my body to open to the
Divine, or when i preach to others how to do it, or when i spend time with my children i
would like to have.

Probably all three... Maybe none of the three....


"A new world is born in every moment. The question is, are we present to this
magnificent birth?" Marcus S. Robinson
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 97 19:09:45 GMT
From: E Jason <lobsterATnospamclara.net>
To: kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Discovering the reptile within
Message-Id: <970317190945.n0001475.lobsterATnospammail.clara.net>

on 17 Mar 98, hlutharATnospambryant.edu wrote...

>Kurt Keutzer wrote:
>> >KK.
>> That's a good point. Gopi Krishna talks about spontaneously spouting
>> Sanskrit poetry and all that. But if you read his published poetry - well
>> you can decide yourself whether it is genius or not.
>That is so funny Kurt. Now you are a poetry critic also! Had I known I would
>not have sent you my Christmas Jingle in December!......Harsha

mmm . . .
An important point though. Self described kundalini realised "geniuses" or
enlightened beings have never struck me as particularly enabled or exhibiting
more evolved qualities. The words they write are no better than those of a good
writer or poet (if that). Their insights into the nature of the universe are
often wrong, niave, useless and sometimes as perceptive as any theoretical
scientist might work out. They may have personable qualities of charisma or
charm and moral integrity, all things that anyone can develop independent of
kundalini or other forms of snake charming.
No kundalini enabled person has ever claimed the huge amounts of cash (which
they could give to charity) offered by sceptical scientists and others to
demonstrate their "psychic gifts".
So what do we have? People exhibiting mental and physical distress which can be
put down to hysteria, madness and physical imbalance. People undergoing mental
processes that can be seen as chemical and hormonal changes, again from a
variety of causes.
If Kundalini is about human evolution, why are so many kundalites not able to
fulfill their human potential, let alone something higher?
Just a thought . . .

The highly devolved
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 20:13:52 -0500
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: K and economic status
Message-Id: <199803180114.UAA14248ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

"Blessed are the poor in Spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Of course, the poor are blessed with spirit, IF they are 'godly', not
obsessed with gaining worldly power, status, or wealth; blessed is
ANYONE with spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

(This interpretation....after eating bagels and loxster with cream
cheese and onions.)
Residual questions:

Does the above quote mean ALL the poor are blessed with spirit?

Do I recall correctly Jesus saying one should give away their wealth? But to
whom? Not to the poor, who would then become rich -the rich poor- and we
are back where we started. Maybe it meant distribute the wealth fairly. But
isn't that......?
Today I went out into the world to make a 'business' deal. I felt creative and

articulate, but I wonder what will happen when I 'strive' to make my dream
happen? Oh, I can hear the chorus now: DON'T STRIVE!!!!! Go with the flow!!!

Any role models out there? :-)


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