Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/08/13 15:30
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #396

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 396

Today's Topics:
  RE: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: a Mother's dream
  List synopsis.
  Re: Huge apologies.
  RE: Transcomunicacao Instrumental (rough translation)
  Re: question
  Re: quality of life
  Re: Reincarnation
  FW: Call for action-urgent (fwd)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:53:18
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

From: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 1997 10:26 AM
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center

I agree with you, that "The Messengers" offers a view of Christ that differs
in many ways from most Christian doctrine. Nick, AKA St. Paul, says that
Christ believed in reincarnation, but not astrology. He told me in person
that reincarnation was part of the Catholic church doctrine until changed by
a papal bull (sometime in the 3rd to 6th centuries, I forget when exactly) in
an effort to increase church control. Does anyone know anything about this?

Anyway, the Christ described in "The Messengers" is 100% compatible with
every insight kundalini has led me to.


Recently people have begun studying the Essenes, a Jewish sect the lived in
the desert around the time of Jesus. Some scholars now attribute many of
the New Testament writings to them. They also believe Jesus may have been
Essenic. Essene means People of the Way (or something close). They held
very closely to the tenets of the Torah.

They believed in reincarnation. And they were somehow related, I don't
know how closely to the Macabbeans who were fighting the Romans.

There were many battles between people of different views in the centuries
after the Christ event. And the Essenes I believe were pretty much wiped out.

It has been a few years since I've studied this, and I can't remember my
sources. I haven't read the Messengers either. Sorry.

The Essenes were the people who put the Dead Sea Scrolls away, if that will
help you in your research. The Catholic Church kept many of these scrolls
hidden until they were forced out into the open in either the '70's or
'80's. Personally, I feel it provides a very different basis from which
the Christ event is viewed. It is radically different from the Orthodox
Christianity I grew up in.

And a wonderful study too.

Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:56:57
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a Mother's dream
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

when my mother was expecting me she had a clear dream. I wonder what it

The dream is: she was in her town. Neighbors said "There are horrible
creatures in the fields near town so don't go there." but she couldn't
help to desire for being there. so she went there and she saw beautiful
white poppy flowers in that fields. and she spent time playing until she
had to go back. but she couldn't go back without those beautiful flowers
so she had armful of flowers in her chest. At that moments sudden bright
sunshine reaching to those flowers from the sky.

This was written by my partner. English is her second language so please
excuse any typos.

It seems a beautiful dream. I deeply apologize if this seems off topic to
you and you are inconvenienced in any way. But any comments would be
deeply appreciated.

One other note. It is common for women in Korea to have a dream when they
are pregnant about the sex of their unborn, but this one is unusual because
there is a story.

Thank you,
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 02:10:45
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
Subject: List synopsis.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Sharon:
  I sent your spontaneous K. orgasm post anonymously also, to another,
secret list set up to give folks like you a non judgemental forum to
discuss such experiences. A tiny group of folks who are having unusual
sexual experiences with their K.
  I sent it as a new member nomination. The "Yes" votes came in swiftly.
  Here is our official invitation to you.

Dear Sharon:
   This letter is an official invitation to join our merry band of
Kundalini explorers, the Membership of the Top Secret KSex List.

  This is a list that discusses issues regarding the relationship between
Kundalini and sexuality. This is our safe place for nurturing an embryonic
energy which is just now coming into manifest existence within human culture.
   Or as was said "creating a safe space for unsafe topics" where over the
internet we can address the relation between Kundalini, sexual energy, and
human & archetypal sexuality.

   Beyond this, will be an exploration of how Kundalini unfolds within our
lower chakras as we become challenged to embody ever more deeply, the
forces of Spirit that seek active manifestation within the world.

  Because this list will be dealing with sexually explicit material and
other material of a highly intimate and/or controversial nature, the list
is configured as closed so that people can not subscribe themselves.
    The current consensus is that the list should be invitational, and very
  Individuals who are thought to be likely potential candidates for joining
KS List are brought to the attention of present members, and a sample of
thier published writing from Kundalini list or some other net forum is
reposted to the list to allow members to tune into the energy of the
nominated member and feel for compatability with the group energy.

  This is because the "online shaktipat" energy exchange of this list is
unusually strong, and we wish to foster a sense of emotional safety within
the group to facilitate the exploration of such delicate and powerful
  A vote is informally taken of members, objections may be addressed.
  If compatability is found, this letter is then forwarded to the nominee.
  That's you!
  We think you are wonderful and would like you to join in our energy
experiments and list discussions.

   If after reading the list guidelines, you feel that you would like to
join us, then please respond to the member you recieved this from, with a
short introduction and a synopsis of your own spiritual beliefs and
experience of K. energy so we may get to know you better.
   This member will forward your post to the list with your email
address and you will be added to the subscriber list of Ksex-l.
  Because this is an adults only list...


  If you choose not to join, we only ask that you keep your knowledge of
the existence of KS List, and the involvement of the member who nominated
you confidential.
  Do be aware that part of the reason for our choosing secrecy is that
although it is an exclusive list, we do not wish for non listmembers to be
feeling excluded.
  Our secrecy is both emotional safety and diplomacy.
  Here is an incomplete list of the issues that this new list will be

1. The relation between Kundalini and extended/whole body orgasmic states
both in triggering Kundalini energy and resulting from Kundalini energy.

2. The nature of spirituality in embodied form, (as opposed to patriarchal
notions of a distant God, denial of the body) especially as it unfolds more
and more in our lower chakras and an open reexamination of handed down
spiritual wisdom.

3. The intense experiences of fear, terror, anger, lust, etc. and other
strong emotions that seem to result when archetypal spiritual forces get
faced from a fully embodied perspective by our "animal bodies".

4. The general nature and experience of the Feminine side of Divinity which
from traditions as diverse as from Hinduism to Messianic Judaism is
considered to be the fundamental nature of manifest reality.

5. The nature of archetypal sexuality that was brought up in the pre-list
discussion as "a second kind of orgasm" and a "second kind of emotion", and
in general exploring the unknown depths of tantra as we embody the passion
of Shakti and Shiva ever deeper into our lives.

6. The exploration of group energy fields, both with and without the
sharing of sexual energy, and the ultimate potential inherent in this.
Included in this would be an investigation of the role of proximity in the
embodiement of this energy.
While the non-local nature of this energy is well known, tantalizing hints
exist that close proximity enhances it, especially when it involves
"charged" vocalizations and/or skin contact.

7. An exploration of little known but potentially powerful shamanic
techniques for inducing shaktipat and other altered states in general such
as various forms of bodywork shaktipat and BDSM Shamanism.
What hs been referred to as the "Modern Primitves" movement, exploring
primitive ritual to attain altered states.

8. An exploration of the experiences of shared and group consciousness and
other aspects of what we might call "archetypal sexuality". Though rare,
these kinds of experiences have been mentioned elsewhere, especially when
people with active Kundalinis are in situations of close proximity; and
very much along theoretical ideas of how this energy works when awakened.

9. Last but not least, is in exploring all the ways we can use an internet
mailing list to help each other though the awakening of these energies.
   Including experimentation with the "online shaktipat" effects of energy
seeming to be exchanged by email, remote healing and communication
techniques, OBE.
Misc. details:

1. Since the focus here will be a shared mailing list, and not a
spring-board for private discussions, The list has been set up so that
replies will automatically go to the list by default, so be aware that
cutting and pasting will be needed for making private replies.

2. The central theme on this list is in creating a sacred and intimate
space where people can feel free to speak about issues very close and
personal to them. This is very much about shining lights in dark corners
and other vulnerable places, something that will not happen if these places
are not brought to our attention because people feel uncomfortable postng.
   For this reason, we are very careful to choose listmembers who we
believe to be unusually civilized, enlightened adults, with the expectation
that they will behave as such without needing to be reminded to do so by a
long list of nettiquite rules.
   In wisdom we rcognize that hostility and agression are expressions of
the fearful state of the agressor.
   As a group, should this energy come up we will endeavor to uncover the
underlying fear and heal it with love, rather than perpetuating the
negative emotion by responding in kind.

3. Becuse this is a closed and private list, the rule about not reposting
the writing of another listmember goes double here.
   However, in support of K.list (from where most KSL members have been
derived,) it is encouraged that important or useful KSL postings be edited
 by the author, to remove references to KS list and quotes from other
members and reposted to the K.list, in particular, or elsewhere according
to the author's choice.
   Golden insights are best shared, but the confidentiality of KS list
needs to be protected as the golden egg laying goose.

4. Regarding one's ability to connect: Once on the list, several things
beyond simple intent will be important:
   a. Be aware that a lot of communication is energetic and that words will
not be anything more than tokens for the meanings found behind them.
      Many things being talked about are poorly suited to language in the
first place. Clarify semantics first, before hastening to disagree.

   b. Every person joining the the list should become familiar with what
Ken Wilber calls the integral or aperspectival viewpoint. He says that it
is an absolute necessity for healthy contact with the transpersonal and we
very much agree. The essence of this is that what might be utterly
meaningless from one viewpoint, might well be a given from another equally
valid perspective.

   While not any old BS may be "true", unless one has gotten pretty used to
wheeling around radically differring viewpoints, connecting at a deep level
with a wide assortment of people and with the transpersonal will both be
   Expect to be personally challenged in these areas just by participating
 in this list.

5. For newcomers, please get to know the energy that is at work on this
list for a few weeks before nominating any additional people yourself.

Welcome to KS List, we look forward to recieving your introductory post.

updated by MAS.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 02:30:46
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
Subject: Re: Huge apologies.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  Omigawd and holy shit!!
  Sorry, Sharon I have no idea how the list address came to be on the same
nicknames file as your name.. bvut there it is, big as life, and
deceptively hiding under your name... opps, I am feeling heat flushes and
major embarrassment racing thru my body, and another cat's outa the bag..
the KS list oh dear I need a vacation.. I am going offline now to go bang
my head against a wall. O my apologies all round.. I still have enough ego
to feel like an complete idiot, a brainless indiscreet idiot, oh lessons..
they never end do they. Goddess, please do show me the silver linings in
this. Show 'em to everybody..
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:55:28
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Transcomunicacao Instrumental (rough translation)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I speak Spanish not Portugese, but I'll give this a try.
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 1997 10:02 PM
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Transcomunicacao Instrumental

  ListMystress scratches her head.. is it spam? It looks like spam, but I
dunno for sure.. forward it anyway, maybe someone on the list can tell me
if it is spam.. be pretty ironic for spam to be getting thru with my
assistance coz I can't read it.. at least it's short.. might be off topic,
I dunno.. (shrug)
"O dialogo com os mortos nao deve ser interrompido, pois, na realidade, a
vida nao está limitada pelos horizontes do mundo."
(Papa Joao Paulo II - Sermão. Audiência Geral das quartas-feiras. Basílica
de São Pedro - 1983)

Dialogue with the dead......, life is not limited to the horizons of this
Somos a ASTRANS (Associacao dos Transcomunicadores).
Ficariamos honrados com sua visita a nossa pagina.

....visit our page.


O conteudo da pagina versa sobre TCI : Transcomunicacao Instrumental.
Esperamos sua visita e comentarios.

This page is about TCI: Instrumental Transcommunication?

AstransATnospamhotmail.com & astransATnospamrocketmail.com
 FE' = Força + Esperança ...
 DEUS = O ENCRIADO CRIADOR, pois sempre existiu e esta' sempre criando ...

* Leia mais... Nao se limite... Nao seja apenas culto... Seja ESCLARECIDO!

I don't know.

Best I could do quickly.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 10:19:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: dorATnospamhlc.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Reincarnation
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


As to the subject of reincarnation being removed from the orthodox versions
of the Old and New Testaments date no further back than the sixth century.
The Byzantine Emperor Judtinian called the Fifth Ecumenical Congress of
Constantinople in 553 A.D. to condem the Platonically inspired writings of

The Pope was forbidden to attend, and the denunciation of it was flouted.
Justinian (483-565), a recent convert to the christian religion, with his
wife, the Empress Theodora (daughter of a bear-feeder in the amphitheatre in
Constantinople) decided that in order to keep the church together, and in
order to keep control of the people, removed reincarnation from the Bible.
And in addition, removed the then Pope and 'appointed' another to replace
him with one who would agree with their views.

The strategy was always to create a condition of organized confusion in
which every person eventually, by the divide and conquer idea, would create
a state of confusion. The teachings of the church was that of reincarnation,
and Origin, because of the teachings had fifteen anathemas placed against
him by Justinian and Theodora.

Essenes: True, Mary was from the Essenes and practiced the same teachings of
the early church. Jesus and John the Baptist both were schooled in the
traditions of the Essenes and believed in reincarnation. Somewhere along the
way, the traditional Jewish religion decided the Essenes were more
christian-like than jewish and therefore put them into that category.

The scrolls found in Nag Hammadi caves, in 1945 - were the works of the
Essenes, and of the Gnostic teachings. Included in the scrolls they found
many Gospels and sacred books not found in either the Old or New Testaments.

For more information on this can be found in 'Gnostic Gospels' by Elaine
Pagels, ISBN 0-679-72453-2 Vintage Press

I hope this is what you were asking about, if not... delete.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 07:39:46 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
cc: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: question
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970813073827.5648B-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Mystress - your reply to Peglumpkin...was inspired... if ever there were a
demonstration of the K. it was that. Thanks. Your ability to draw
analogies with the house that is constructed...etc. Masterful.

What is always present is who you truly are. Correctly identify yourself
as eternally present awareness and take refuge in that. (Gangaji)
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 15:14:50
From: CSmith108ATnospamaol.com (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: quality of life
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


   As to your comments about the belief of the Native Americans not living in
vortex centers: I also have heard that and my life experience has been that
this is true.
I lived in a vortex area for two years called Crestone, Colorado. It is in
the San Luis Valley of south central Colorado. It is also called the
Bloodless Valley, because no wars have ever been fought on that land.

   It is said that the Indians sent their young there for vision quests and
also for Shamanic training since the veils between dimensions are supposedly
very thin there. I absolutely loved my time there. It is nestled in the
"American Himalayas," the Sangre de Cristo Mtns.

   My experience there was one of immense inner growth and change. I had a
very intense K rising in the hot springs not far from there that first sent
me to this list last year.

  It seems that your "Stuff" and other people's "Stuff" comes up in your face
much more intensely and there is a constant processing and re-examing who you
are in these places. It's as if when you arrive there you are a clean glass
of water with perhaps some mud sentiment lying dormant on the bottom, and the
vortex wastes no time in shaking up your world as you knew it.

   On the more mundane, everday life level, I had very clear intentions of
starting my own business, but it never did get off the ground. I kept
delaying and delaying and delaying until finally it dawned on me that this
was a place for me to do esoteric/transcendental work and not to be a working
stiff, so to speak. So, I stayed until the money ran out and now I'm back to
a more "normal" mode of functioning, at least on the surface it appears that
way, but I know my life has been forever changed because of the time I spent
in the vortex.

   I know I can't go back there and live on a permanent basis because I know
my life is out in the world, but I do go back from time to time because it's
the best place for me to rest and gain new perspective on where I am on this

   This is just one person's experience of living in a vortex area.

   Many Blessings, Christine
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 15:15:12
From: "Sergio Lucio Maria" <sergiomariaATnospamcidadanet.org.br> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Reincarnation
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

> For more information on this can be found in 'Gnostic Gospels' by Elaine
> Pagels, ISBN 0-679-72453-2 Vintage Press
> I hope this is what you were asking about, if not... delete.

  I like to known if have some site about the reincarnation.
  If you want, we have a gnostic site in English. The address to this site
is http://www.gnostic.org.br/ or go to links in this site to found a
English gnostic site.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 15:17:23
From: "Wright, James 7929" <JwrightATnospamphelpsd.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: FW: Call for action-urgent (fwd)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Don't usually forward messages on behalf of a "cause", but this one seems
a bit different. Call your elected representatives, if you feel so
inclined, and point out to them how little help you need in regulating
your dietary supplements from the UN!
From: Chuck Davis[SMTP:roshicorpATnospamroshi.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 1997 10:34 AM
To: psyphyATnospamlistp.apa.org
Cc: mind-lATnospamaquathought.com
Subject: Call for action-urgent (fwd)

*** Forwarded message, originally written by Jennifer Ruby on 13-Aug-97
Hello :

We are facing a huge new threat to our health freedoms. This one makes
the FDA's attempts to regulate us into submission look like a church
picnic. It's called CODEX, short for Codex Alimentarius, the United
Nation's WHO commission on regulation of health services and products.
The German delegation to the commission has put forward a proposal which
requires the following:

1. No dietary supplement can be sold for prophylactic (therapeutic or
preventive) use.

2. No dietary supplement sold as a food can exceed potency (dosage)
levels set by the commission.

3. Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become BINDING ON
ALL SIGNATORIES TO THE GATT ( General Agreement on Trade and
Tariff) TREATY, and the U.S. is one of them. There is no escape clause
that allows a nation to set its own standards.

4. All new dietary supplements would automatically be BANNED unless
they go through the Codex approval process, which would be very
expensive and only slightly less comprehensive than the current FDA
approval process (typically 10 years and $250 million dollars).

Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and now Canada have rolled over and
submitted to Codex. In Germany, you cannot buy supplements except in a
drug store and at prices 3-20 times what they cost here in the U.S. In
Canada, possession of DHEA without a prescription is punishable by the
same penalties as the possession of crack cocaine.

The weapon of choice is creeping regulation, redefinition of supplements
as OTC (over the counter) products, which will require licensing fees so
exorbitant that a small health food store may need over a million
dollars just to pay for the right to sell its products. This will put
most stores out of business. Businesses will have to be
well-capitalized enough to survive this regulatory onslaught.

CODEX is being pushed through by the largest pharmaceutical companies in
the world, who are looking to mop up after the bloodbath and take over
the supplement industry. You will only be able to buy patented,
regulated, extremely costly products , and not in sufficient quantity to
do you much good. Many, many herbs and supplements now available will
disappear, to be found only on the black market while companies such as
PharmaPrint Inc. of Irvine, CA move ahead with their efforts to patent
phytomolecules of favorite herbal products such as saw palmetto,
echinacaea, and many others. These would become pharmaceuticals,
available only by prescription. And, no surprise, PharmaPrint is backed
by the World Health Organization, of which the Codex Commission is a
part. PharmaPrint is currently licensing its technologies to other
pharmaceutical companies to sell its products.

Now, here's the scary part. Large pharmaceuticals have been planning
this for years, and while we thought we were winning one for the Gipper
by passing DSHEA, embedded in that act were clauses that could spell
doom for the industry, primarily labeling and regulatory clauses. Large
pharmaceuticals are currently buying up American and Canadian health
food companies (Nature's Way), positioning themselves to move in as
early as September next year, when the Codex Commission meets for a
final vote on the German proposal. Large pharmaceuticals are licking
their chops at the prospect of taking over the multi-billion dollar
supplement industry and for the next century.

Don't let them do it. This is an 11th hour stand, but we can turn them
back. Contact your legislators now and tell them they must defeat
Codex. The FDA's webpage already states its intention to "harmonize"
with CODEX, but with legislative help and public outcry, we can defeat
these bureaucrats. Your elected representatives voted for the GATT
treaty but they neglected to read the fine print that allows the
pharmaceutical companies this much power over you. If you work in the
health food industry, your job or your business is on the line. If you
work in health care, you will have to make some choices about who you
stand with - health freedom or smothering regulation and submission to
the dictates of a foreign and domestic consortium of big businesses that
seek to control you.

John Hammell, founder of International Advocates for Health Freedom
(IAHF) can be reached at (800)333-2553, fax (954) 929-0507. He and
others prevented the German delegation from vaulting from step 2 to step
6 in the 8-step approval process in June. By September next year,
though, without huge resistance from the world community, this proposal
could become binding on the US Govt and you personally. John is
organizing this resistance as we speak, and others like those on this
email queue must help too. John needs financial support very badly, as
he is doing this virtually alone and unfunded. Call him and ask how you
can help. We are in dire need of your assistance, whatever it is you
can do or give at this time.

You MUST call your legislators and educate them. There is no time to
At the moment, call Dr. Kenneth Fisher, Director of the Commission on
Dietary Supplement Labeling and tell him you demand that he extend the
period for public comment on the 77-page draft proposal through October.

Call him at (202) 401-5811, fax (202) 205-0463, email
Do it now! This commission is holding final hearings WITHOUT PUBLIC
COMMENT on Thurday of this week, August 14. The implications of this
draft proposal are mind-boggling, because they recommend ways for all
supplements to be redefined as OTC products, thus blurring the
distinction between drugs and foods and subjecting all products so
defined to licensing fees that will put just about everybody out of
business so the pharmaceutical companies can move in! This could
destroy a huge industry, putting tens of thousands of people out of work
and coopting your freedoms. Contact me and I'll fax you a form letter
you can send to Dr. Fisher protesting his bureacratic indiscretions.

Don't be in denial. This is really happening. This is the greatest
threat to health freedom the world has ever known. Who will you stand
with? What will you stand for? How much do you care about your
children's world twenty years from now?

If you need literature, call me at (541) 488-2711, email me at
susumagoATnospammind.net or fax me a note at (541) 488-8685. Then, take that
literature and make copies. Hand it out to everyone. FORWARD THIS

Contact your newspaper, talk shows, television producers, magazines,
congresspeople, get email mailing lists and send this message on. Talk
to health practitioners and get them to speak up. The worst thing you
can do is to be silent while this is happening.

Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :
May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers


    .-. .-.
   / \ .-. .-. /
  / \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ /
 -/--Chuck Davis
    RoshiCorpATnospamROSHI.com \ / \_/ `-' \ / \ /
    \ / `-' `-' \ /
     `-' `-'


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