'kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 215 

1 Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 
From: Mohanamurali Parasuraman 
Subject: Intro

Dear fellow list members,
                Let me introduce myself, my name is Mohan and I have been on
the list for approximately 2 months.  So far I have enjoyed the postings on
the list and I find myself eagerly awaiting the next round of messages. I
feel that i am getting to know you all better and I hope this list will
continue for some time to come.
        I now seek the assistance of the list in my spiritual quest.  I have
been reading about Gurumayi Chidvisalananda and Nirmala Mataji and would
like to establish contact with either of them.  Would anyone of you know the
address and phone number of the SYDA Foundation branch in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia?  I would also like the contact address, phone and fax numbers of
Mataji.  I hope one of you can assist me in this matter.
-        Daniel RF, I have enjoyed your postings tremendously and pls
continue to update us on any further X-Files sort of incidents.  If anyone
is interested in corresponding with me you are welcome to do so.
        Richard, pls let me know if you are in need of assistance with
regards to the list.  I will try to help.
        Peace be with all of you.



2 Date: Sat, 02 Nov 1996 
From: rjills 
Subject: Re: The Sanella Questionaire

Ive also noticed that the book "Energies of Transformation" by Bonnie Greenwell
has tons of information in it about diferntiating k. from others states.  I
recommend this book, as I have met the author and know her to be a serious
student of the K.  Royale

3 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: K experience

> giggling.. yes  Julie, "person with Gloria here".
> I was noticing the same thing. We are all part of the whole..and we
> should focus on the unity rather than the differences.  Exploring the
> different ways and different words used for the same experience
> should be more of a focus, accepting them all as part of the complete
> truth.  There is a lifetime of information to learn.
>Hi Carolyn,
	Your friend of India is quite correct, it gets very confusing and
illusionary to focus so much attention on the work kundalini without the
spiritual manifestation of it to carry it. What is real goes far beyond
the work in the body. The body is what you create fruit through, and
bottom line is that you are perfecting five bodies, not one. The
spiritual bodies can not function at the frequency they need to do with
the focus on kundalini, instead of Divine Will, First Cause, or whatever
word you need to relate this consciousness. 
	And in fact each center relates to the becoming, one must master the
human element, so as to be a Christ being. And mastering means getting
far enough away (detached) from it, to observe it move through out many
functions. As you master the ability to be in any situation without
reaction, you become absorbed into the higher frequency. The
personality/ego decreases as the Christ frequency increases. Kundalini
is a part of the dance, the work on the chakra's, the empowerment of the
human element to change into the divine. But, the focus needs to move
away from the details, specific's because the ego/mind attaches to those
things that it desires, has pride about. etc. I do understand that k has
been the topic of our discussion but it can transform into a higher
communication base, which k will be the foundation. I would like to see
people share more about the invisible world, how is it experienced. Are
you dreaming, remembering, seeing realizing, who you are? What are your
limits in the body and out? How do the two come together? 
	My daughter just came, got to run. Talk later. Gloria


4 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Hallowe'en

>Hi Carolyn,
	Perhaps you would like to share some information on Reiki with us. Most
everyone on this list has natural healing talents that simply happen at
times. How do you explain the Reiki process, and is it not linked to the
focused energy coming from the higher centers?

My guess it comes in a pure form as one is less attached to the worldly
vibration, as well as detaching from personal thoughts, etc. By
releasing energies holding to the solar plexus all of the energies of
love should easily transfer without a lot of back last from lower
energies manipulating. Can you go into this, or are you restricted?

5 Date: Sat,  2 Nov 1996 
From: fluteATNOSPAMprodigy.com (CAROLYN MALONEY)
Subject: Re: K experience

Reiki seemed to be the tool I needed to make the kundalini work for 
me in a healing form.  
Reiki gives form and sound to the thought patterns, organizing them 
(if you will) and helping channel
the intent to the god force and back to the person receiving the 
ability to project the healing..
I am restricted on giving you much of the information however  I have 
a website http://pages.prodigy.com/flute that has a section called 
Healing Arts on it.  There I explain a
bit about it.
   Reiki is basically an Energy Management system. 
It is not a religion and can not
be used to do harm to anyone. There are 7 symbols and 5
sounds that are currently taught.  In actually there are 22,
however they are not all taught until you contact your own
Reiki Guides. You do need attunements to make it work correctly for 
    Reiki I, is a basic self healing. Many people experience
some heavy changes in their life as they open up and melt
away the blocks.  I teach one symbol and sound with Reiki 1.
After Level 1, your hands will get hot with just the intent
to heal.  All you will have to do is place them on yourself
or someone in need and the healing starts.  You may walk
into a room where someone is ill and your hands will
automatically get hot without you even having the intent of
healing. You will probably receive Dream teachings from a
guide but not all do at this point.
    Afterwards is Reiki II that is a mental/emotional
healing, where you receive two special symbols and sounds,
one is used in long distance healing.  You'll find your
intuitive powers increase about double at this point.
THEN I teach Reiki III with three symbols and Reiki Four
with the Reiki Master Plus symbols. This enables you to
become the teacher and pass on the attunements.
Flute aka Carolyn Maloney

From:	 Larry Newman
Subject:	 Re: K experience
Date:	 11/02
Time:	 10:39 PM

> giggling.. yes  Julie, "person with Gloria here".
> I was noticing the same thing. We are all part of the whole..and 
> should focus on the unity rather than the differences.  Exploring 
> different ways and different words used for the same experience
> should be more of a focus, accepting them all as part of the 
> truth.  There is a lifetime of information to learn.
>Hi Carolyn,
	Your friend of India is quite correct, it gets very confusing and illusionary
	to focus so much attention on the work kundalini without the spiritual
	manifestation of it to carry it. What is real goes far beyond the work in the
	body. The body is what you create fruit through, and bottom line is that you
	are perfecting five bodies, not one. The spiritual bodies can not function at
	the frequency they need to do with the focus on kundalini, instead of Divine
	Will, First Cause, or whatever word you need to relate this consciousness.
	And in fact each center relates to the becoming, one must master the human
	element, so as to be a Christ being. And mastering means getting far enough
-	away (detached) from it, to observe it move through out many functions. As
	you master the ability to be in any situation without reaction, you become
	absorbed into the higher frequency. The personality/ego decreases as the
	Christ frequency increases. Kundalini is a part of the dance, the work on the
	chakra's, the empowerment of the human element to change into the divine. But,
	the focus needs to move away from the details, specific's because the
	ego/mind attaches to those things that it desires, has pride about. etc. I do
	understand that k has been the topic of our discussion but it can transform
	into a higher communication base, which k will be the foundation. I would
	like to see people share more about the invisible world, how is it
-	experienced. Are you dreaming, remembering, seeing realizing, who you are?
	What are your limits in the body and out? How do the two come together? My
	daughter just came, got to run. Talk later. Gloria

6 Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 
From: LIShamanATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Unconditional love

In a message dated 96-11-02 18:19:31 EST, you write:

>Help me out please.  I keep hearing the term, "unconditional love" used 
>rather freely on this list, and I can't for the life of me figure out 
>what it means to those out there. 
For me, unconditional love requires practice in the art of loving, like any
other skill
that can be developed.  The techniques:
1- To wish someone well, and not evil.
2- To see someone in their uniqueness, not as a stereotype.
3- To hear what someone is saying, not what I want to hear.
4- To be there for that person, within the limits of my own value system.
5- To avoid judgment or giving advice, unless requested.


7 Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 
From: mabATNOSPAMrio.com (Margaret A. Blaine)
Subject: allergies

To all allergy sufferers
-     My husband suffered from serious allergies for 25 years.  He took
allergy shots once a week etc etc etc.  He heard from a friend that
Neurolinguistic Programming   NLP for short had a process which would
reeducate the nervous system so it wouldn't overeact to things which were in
fact not dangerous to it.  He went through this mental process and has not
had any allergies since.  This was two years ago.
      It's a simple process which takes about 15 minutes and is very
effective.  I hope those of you who are suffering will not discount this,
but will try it.  My husband's doctor just didn't believe him when he told
him what he had done.  He said it was impossible
-                       Have fun

8 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Re; Conference,

SYL228ATNOSPAMaol.com wrote:

> I am normally a very gregarious person, but for a long time after "k" I found
> myself unable to function in crowds.  Others I have spoken to were in even
> worse shape than I was.  While I no longer  have a problem, I cannot speak
> for all.  That is why I wrote that caution.  In the spirit of love and
> concern for others who may be struggling with the energy.

> Love Jule

Jule actually I feel this is a testing ground, the net is a wonderful
media for connection, but to see if people are disciplined enough to
create and maintain a frequency of love on the electrical highway is a
real feat. It can be done, no doubt, if everyone can define their
purpose and mission perhaps the values will be the same and it will
evolve into something incredible. I don't know that we have every talked
about the values currently coming together, and how or where people see
the kundalini experience going? Gloria

9 Date: Tue, 28 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: K experience

> Reiki seemed to be the tool I needed to make the kundalini work for
> me in a healing form.
> Reiki gives form and sound to the thought patterns, organizing them
> (if you will) and helping channel
> the intent to the god force and back to the person receiving the
> ability to project the healing..
> I am restricted on giving you much of the information however  I have
> a website http://pages.prodigy.com/flute that has a section called
> Healing Arts on it.  There I explain a
> bit about it.
>    Reiki is basically an Energy Management system.
> It is not a religion and can not
> be used to do harm to anyone. There are 7 symbols and 5
> sounds that are currently taught.  In actually there are 22,
> however they are not all taught until you contact your own
> Reiki Guides. You do need attunements to make it work correctly for
> you.
>     Reiki I, is a basic self healing. Many people experience
> some heavy changes in their life as they open up and melt
> away the blocks.  I teach one symbol and sound with Reiki 1.
> After Level 1, your hands will get hot with just the intent
> to heal.  All you will have to do is place them on yourself
> or someone in need and the healing starts.  You may walk
> into a room where someone is ill and your hands will
> automatically get hot without you even having the intent of
> healing. You will probably receive Dream teachings from a
> guide but not all do at this point.
>     Afterwards is Reiki II that is a mental/emotional
> healing, where you receive two special symbols and sounds,
> one is used in long distance healing.  You'll find your
> intuitive powers increase about double at this point.
> THEN I teach Reiki III with three symbols and Reiki Four
> with the Reiki Master Plus symbols. This enables you to
> become the teacher and pass on the attunements.
> Flute aka Carolyn Maloney
> >

	Thanks, that should be of interest to many on the list. I have a friend
in California that is just going through it and I do believe it is very
good for her. So often people don't recognize that thought forms, and
lower force energy can be actually caught inside the body and until it
is released, there is suffering. So what you say in the first stage,
individuals are taught up open up to their own bodies to assist with
removing the blocks and clearing out what is there. This could be very
beneficial to many going through k because they have the opportunity to
work with it in a positive way. Thanks for sharing. Gloria
> From:    Larry Newman
> Time:    10:39 PM

10 Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 
From: stampmanATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer )
Subject: My Brain Itches-)

I have often used the expression that 'my brain itches' or that I get 
the feeling that 'crop circles' were forming on my head. Others have 
confirmed that one of the common sensations that a lot of us get is a 
sense of swirling energy within our brain, a sense of electricity 
behind the eyes, a maddening feeling like an itch between and behind 
the eyes that can't be gotten at to be scratched, of the sensations 
occasionally projecting through the top of the head with attendant 
scalp tingling/swirling/capping/etc., and sometimes projecting out 
between the eyes from the forehead.

Karen, my wife, was sitting at the computer playing Mah Jongg (this BTW 
is the result of British transliteration of Chinese - a group that 
seems to have a bent for intrusion into academics without investment in 
erudition - god are we judgmental tonight-). I came up behind her and 
placed my hand in one of my spontaneous 'Reiki-type' positions on her 
head - she recognized the touch and immediately responded that it felt 
good. I don't know why, but I wanted her to know what it meant to have 
an 'itchy brain.' So, while in the usual 'healing' position I reached 
inside her brain deposited a sunburst of energy and flicked it like a 
top to set it spinning wildly; with several more imaginary 'flicks' I 
sped it up to where I 'knew' it would produce the effect that gave me 
'itchy brain' syndrome. I did this without physically moving my hands; 
leaving them exactly in my usual position for what has become a 
spontaneous 'Reiki' session. She suddenly leaned forward and yelled, 
"What is that, my brain itches!" I grinned and said, "Now you know what 
I am talking about when I say that." She said, "How can you stand it, 
it's driving me crazy, I can't get at it to scratch it!" In an evilly 
sadistic mood I watched her squirm for a few more moments and said, "Do 
you want me to make it stop?" Immediately the response came, "YES, 
NOW!" I reached over and simply tapped her temples with my fingertips 
once and asked, "Has is stopped?" She gave me a weird, scared look and 
appeared to cautiously take inventory of her brain-condition and said, 
"Yes, except just a little tiny tingle and that is fading."

I get the feeling that I am leaving the time when I have no control 
over the experiences that have inundated me for four months now and am 
being given some kind of innate instruction on how to direct the 
events. As a sidebar (a la O.J. Simpson) Karen's recent visit to the 
retinologist produced a surprised nurse and doctor. Her vision is 
improving and the retinopathy is decreasing visibly - not unheard of in 
diabetic retinopathy, but not all that common either; Karen has never 
had anything, but worsening in the years that she has had this. She 
feels the spontaneous 'Reiki' treatments that I have been giving her 
have been the cause of this sudden improvement. Faith is a marvelous 
healer and I will continue the 'treatments.' It also gives me another 
excuse to lovingly touch the one I have loved for over 20 years-).

Love and LAUGHING (and itching and tickling) LIGHT,
DAN-RF (ReikiFrottage)


11 Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 
From: stampmanATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer )
Subject: Directory Information

Psychic Rubbings - Case # 301: The night before last, we were concerned 
about an embalmer friend of ours. He had gone through what could have 
been an emotionally trying encounter and despite several phone and 
email messages, he had not gotten back to us. Karen and I had decided 
to jump in the car, brave rush hour traffic, and make the 10-mile trip 
over to his place to see if he was home and assure ourselves that he 
was all right.

No sooner had we gotten into the car when Karen got a weird look and 
said, "I have got to go back inside for a minute." I figured it was a 
'female-thing' and just nodded as she jumped out and ran inside. As she 
headed in I got this giggly/happy feeling and started smiling like a 
dolt. She told me later that she had gotten an internal burning 
sensation that wouldn't stop and she thought perhaps an unexpected 
period was coming. She said the sensation was like none she had ever 
had and was heading for the bathroom when the phone rang. Picking up 
the receiver she heard the caller say, "Hi, this is Mark." Instantly, 
her burning sensation stopped and has not happened again. Oh, you 
smarties you! You think you have figured out the end to the tale? Yeah, 
you are right, Mark is the friend about whom we had been concerned and 
were going to wend our way through traffic to find out about! When she 
came back out to the car, I was giggling and knew what was going on. 
The syncronicities happening to those near me seem to be increasing 
exponentially. Is that a bad or good thing?

12 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 
From: KC Stoner 
Subject: Re: Unconditional love

Jan Watson wrote:
> Hello all
> Help me out please.  I keep hearing the term, "unconditional love" used
> rather freely on this list, and I can't for the life of me figure out
> what it means to those out there.  I know the "generic" definition; it's
> been used on me before; you know, "I love you, unconditionally, but..."
> Those but's include personal reasons why the speaker comes before the
> person spoken to.  Those buts include the right to choose who the speaker
> chooses to love unconditionally, at any given point in time.  I have
> never yet met anyone or read anyone other than perhaps some of the wise
> ones of antiquity and a few truly rare and far apart individuals of today
> that in fact live these words rather than pay lip service to them.

Dear Jan...

my feelings...there are indeed no buts in unconditional love.  if 
presented that way, then it is not so from the start...it is indeed lip 

my findings...i am not old...nor rare, though i would like to think...
perhaps unique...

i am a newcomer to the list, and am not sure if i have ever experienced 
this wonderful 'K' that everyone talks about.  though i know that i will.
but my experience is this...

i am recently seperated from my wife and family, due to my previous 
shortsightedness...this will lead to the big 'D'.  my dear wife in her 
search for happyness, has done so quite selfishly...she left me for 
another...my own undoing, admittedly so, to a certain point...
however...knowing i have nothing to gain...and am faced with losing 
everthing...DO LOVE HER UNCONDITIONALLY...despite her attempts to pursue 
her own and seperate future...i have dealt with an immense amount of pain 
during the last several months...but have never lost my focus of doing 
whatever was in my power, for her...this includes putting up with alot of 
bullshit in the proccess...but i love her that much...and desire that 
happiness for her, that i truly have done some bazzar things...and will 
continue to...no matter what...

this has no buts...hard to keep my feelings out of it...but i am getting 

and through it, i am beginning to do so for others...but without the 
intensity, understandably so.

> Did you love Dohmer unconditionally, do you love the politicians
> unconditionally, when someone has deliberately taken advantage of you or
> a friend or your child, do you sit down and cleanse the anger from out of
> yourself and say, "I love you unconditionally'?

i feel it is hard to do this, if one hasnt had some sort of personal 
contact...which is a form of choice...but as we all see in this 
listing...we can all love each other for what we find them to be...
angelique...for her faries
paco...for his sense of humor

i have found personally, two people that i do indeed love 
unconditionally, through this listing...BarbATNOSPAMworca and JohnATNOSPAMLIShaman... 
both have helped me immensely on my journey into my new being...both know 
of my situation, though John is just begining to travel with me...as are 
all of you that are out there, but dont know who i am...thank you for 
your wealth of insight and experiences...

> Unconditional love, to me is what is given by one who has no need to
> consider the self, otherwise, the self sets a condition - I matter.  The
> self that makes choices rather than takes each human as he comes to him
> cannot love unconditionally. Unconditional love, at times, also needs to
> be strict and rigid if it is in the best interest of the one loved, it is
> not just a soppy "feeling"; but made of sterner stuff. 
but i do indeed matter...but chose to be unselfsish in my loving...and in 
doing this, i feel i come full circle back to my own feelings...and am 
loving myself in the same sense?!

> Am I too harsh, or is the term being used a little too loosely?
> And yes, it is about K.  It must be.  I've never heard the term used so
> often as on this list.  I suspect that the K experience gives us a
> fragment, a taste  of what it might be to be loved this way and so draws
> us....

that much closer...

> Thanks
> jan

humbly and unconditionally...


13 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 
From: traveler 
Subject: Re: Re; Conference, 

>As for the intellectual discussions on the list.  We learn best from
>unconditional love.  So discussions need to be in that light.  Intellectual
>wit is fine, if you know the person well enough to know they appreciate your
>wit.  One man's wit may be another man's poison---we are all different in how
>we perceive.  So we need to be sure the discussions don't get too

Yes, very beautifully said.

>I am normally a very gregarious person, but for a long time after "k" I found
>myself unable to function in crowds.  Others I have spoken to were in even
>worse shape than I was.  While I no longer  have a problem, I cannot speak
>for all.  That is why I wrote that caution.  In the spirit of love and
>concern for others who may be struggling with the energy.

You know, I found a funny thing happening to me. As a result of being on
this list I have grown in at least 2 ways that come to mind offhand. 1) I
have learned to speak out more (Believe it or not this has been a real issue
for me--this hypersensitivity to crowds, energies, emotions, etc). I am more
confident of saying something even if someone else disagrees (and especially
when I feel attacked)...and 2) I am more open to listening to what others
have to say too. I am grateful that I have been able to open my somewhat
limited viewpointws to the gifts of wisdom and compassion that others have
brought here in so many totally different ways. 'major gift of growth to me.

SO who knows...maybe that could happen more. Sometimes, it is appropriate to
take refuge, and at other times, to face the dragon, and befriend him or
her...confront our collective dark sides, and embrace them.

PS I attended the Kundalini conference at Asliomar in 1990 and I enjoyed
being around all the k energy. Personally it was not overwhelming. But, as
you point out, each of us must sense what is right for us.

Best, traveler


14 Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: Re: Intro

Mohanamurali Parasuraman wrote:

> I have
> been reading about Gurumayi Chidvisalananda and Nirmala Mataji and would
> like to establish contact with either of them.  Would anyone of you know the
> address and phone number of the SYDA Foundation branch in Kuala Lumpur,
> Malaysia?  

My mother is a member of SYDA, I will ask her about this.  But I think
there is a lot of info on the internet... but watch out, when you do a
search you get all the anti-SYDA backlash stuff. 

If anybody else is interested in SYDA, my mom is a fairly good source.

