Date: Thu, 27 Jun kundalini-l-d Digest  Volume 96 : Issue 30 
 [1]: From:
Subject: Re: pain and Kundalini

Melissa and others with regards to foundation,
I can't help feel that what is happening in this communication group is very
significant to creating and helping with that foundation. It is very
important how easy spirit has made it to communicate long distances and just
enter a persons experience with such ease. Therefore, take this information
inside with you to your meditations and also into your night school, your
dream life. GEt your dream journal going, begin to communicate with your
higher self and you will likely meet all of us in higher dimension with our
spirit/bodies. This world is the illusion, the spirit world is the reality.
Does this make any logical sense? Gloria Joy

 [2]: From:
Subject: Re: pain and Kundalini

Melissa and others on pain,
Very likely what the body perceives to be pain is actually intense pressure
and a much higher frequency of energy. There are just to many thought forms
bouncing around that create the effects, for instance fear, this alone with
cause a drop in frequency which causes a whole host of things to happen, you
know cause and effect. Also, every thought and idea about trying, etc. more
thought forms. Suggestion, use if you can. Dump your ideas and thoughts about
this, start with a clear slate ask for God's will to be done, align yourself
to this very high frequency of energy. And surrender. Love to all. Gloria Joy

 [3]: From:
Subject: Re: A Cure For The Burning

Very interesting, the love of God can indeed cause the burning, lift it from
the psycical and center it in the heart center in alignment with divine will.

 [4]: From:
Subject: Re: I surrender

You are aligning yourself with divine will and there fore leaving go of
trying to do it yourself, this is just the form it is coming to you in
because it is what you will be comfortable with. Leaving go means taking your
thoughts and ideas away from the situation and replacing it with your faith.

 [5]: From: (John Petty)
Subject: Re: The doorway


I'm going to share something with you that I feel relates closely with your
discussion on male, female, and wholeness.

Several months ago I was headed down the path of Transexualism.  I'm a
straight male who never had a homosexual thought in my life, but during
my inner-work I came into contact with a young girl who desperately
wanted access to life.  That young girl was me, and she wanted to live and
grow up to be a woman.  You can imagine the tremendous tension that soon
developed as this overwhelming energy came into conflict with my physical
reality and the societal pressures of conformance.  I identified much more
with her (at least psychologically) and felt that God and nature had
screwed me out of the opportunity to really live and express my true
nature.  The tension continued to build until I finally determined that
for various reasons I would not continue on the TS path.  At which time
I felt a rage that almost overwhelmed me.  It went to the very core of
my being and I could hardly contain myself from going on a rampage of
destruction.  Shortly after that the energy turned spiritual, then not
long after my Kundalini took off.

(This was before I learned about reincarnation, and felt that life was just
a onetime shot.  I still look upon that period with awe and fondness,
never have I felt so alive and connected.)

There is so much more to this story, but I gave you the nutshell version
to keep it short.  Hope it has some meaning for you.

(I decided to share this with the list.  I'm not looking for any help
or explainations.  It's an area I'm intimately familiar with, and I'm just
putting it out there.)


 [6]: From:
Subject: Kundalini Path

Concerning the Kundalini Path of awakening.

A lot of people are practicing the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda & 
Ramakrishna mainly, but others also on this mailing list.

The reason that this is so interesting to me is because I didn't know
anything about those teachings before I went though all of those experiences,
but afterward I was spiritually drawn to those teachings and the teachings
validated more closely that any other source what I went through.  It is very
easy to relate to them. 

They say that what ever you pray to then that you will become. For example,
 in Japan they have religions that prays to such things as a fox or a snake.
  In those services the members will slither or walk around in their church
like a snake or fax, Etc.  They also warship the male and female sex organs,
but please don't ask me about that.   If  you are a Christian then you may
see Angels or if you are a Catholic then you may see Virgin Mary.  If you are
a Buddhist you will not see Virgin Mary and if you are a Christian you will
not see Buddha.  

I personally can see God every place and in any church.  If a person should
even get involved in witchcraft for example with out knowing what he is
involved in and if that person has a pure mind and is looking  for God then
that person will find him even in hell.  I mention God, but you have to put
what ever word in that is close to you. 

Any Comments?


 [7]: From: Paul McDonald - Bon Air Branch 
Subject: re: herpes

Pat Welch's letter about herpes reminds me of what I went through this past 
winter.  About the time this virus surfaced I began to have kriyas in my third 
eye.  Looking at the outbreak as kundalini purging my system was a very 
positive way of dealing with the pain.  I wrote the following poem about it 
and it was published locally.  Enjoy.


I am slowly mutating
Thanks to a latent virus
Lodged in my spinal cavity
Where it has remained
Just an armed truce between it
And my immune system.

But now, my immunocological memory
Has decided to take a hike
Or maybe my fascination 
With Kundalini is purging
The long dormant viruses
Located in my spinal nadis.

No matter.

It hurts like hell.

I thought it was very intense heat rash
Just rub on a little zinc;
But no...

One of Job's Tribulations
Has decided to erupt
On the left side of my thorax
Just under the nipple
Make it's way under my armpit
And all I can do 
Is ride this mother out
And wonder if Rimbaud ever had this problem.

Rimbaud was dead at thirty-seven
I'm sure he kicked
Before it became an issue.

Why me?
Just because I had chicken pox
Thirty-five years ago!

Why now?
This isn't supposed to happen
For another thirty-five years!

I'm reduced to pain
A chest that looks like bad pizza
Writing self-indulgent whinny-ass poetry
About the heartbreak of shingles
And wondering if I'm changing into
Some kind of monster
I saw on the X-files
Nesting in the sewer!

Oh, God!
The Horror!
The Horror!

Copyright 1996 Paul McDonald

Paul McDonald
1187 East Broadway #3
Louisville, KY  40204

 [8]: From: Brian 
Subject: The Kybalion


I couldn't find The Kybalion listed in amazon books.  They  did 
have two books with Kybalion in the title, but nothing by the three 

Where can I find this book, anyone?

 [9]: From: Royale Jills 
Subject: Re: Fwd: k and ufo's

At 02:20 AM 6/27/96 -0400, wrote:
>Actually this growth process is very related to the soul entering into the
>realization process, I wouldn't try to connect it up to UFO or any phonemona,
>it will just confuse matters. It is best to zero into that heart center,
>acept the beautiful gift of love and light, and then get the mind off of it.
>The mind/self will create, create, create, leaving go and flowing is the key
>to this inner process. Gloria
>Yes, you have a point there.  But i sometimes think that if i really
concentratred on feelings that i would probably be crying alll the time.  As
it is im fairly happy now.  Thanks for imput.  Royale

[10]: From: Royale Jills 
Subject: Re: Kundalini Path

At 01:31 PM 6/27/96 -0400, wrote:
>Concerning the Kundalini Path of awakening.
>A lot of people are practicing the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda & 
>Ramakrishna mainly, but others also on this mailing list.
>The reason that this is so interesting to me is because I didn't know
>anything about those teachings before I went though all of those experiences,
>but afterward I was spiritually drawn to those teachings and the teachings
>validated more closely that any other source what I went through.  It is very
>easy to relate to them. 
>They say that what ever you pray to then that you will become. For example,
> in Japan they have religions that prays to such things as a fox or a snake.
>  In those services the members will slither or walk around in their church
>like a snake or fax, Etc.  They also warship the male and female sex organs,
>but please don't ask me about that.   If  you are a Christian then you may
>see Angels or if you are a Catholic then you may see Virgin Mary.  If you are
>a Buddhist you will not see Virgin Mary and if you are a Christian you will
>not see Buddha.  
>I personally can see God every place and in any church.  If a person should
>even get involved in witchcraft for example with out knowing what he is
>involved in and if that person has a pure mind and is looking  for God then
>that person will find him even in hell.  I mention God, but you have to put
>what ever word in that is close to you. 
>Any Comments?

Thanks for the joke. i needed that.  But seriously folks ---when i was very
young i believed in God. (the american kind). then i got disalllusioned and
didnt believe in God. (any kind).then i found AA and had to believe in a
higher power or die trying. so i did. But iwasnt satisfied with that and
needed more details on any god.  AA only demanded that the higher power had
to be higher than me.  Welll, that wasnt hard to find. A guess astrology was
a good substitute at least. Then i found kundalini and well that blew a big
hole in all my god ideas up till then. An now still learning. Royale

[11]: From: (HyperMedia Technologies)
Subject: Kybalion address

That address for ordering the Kybalion by the Three Initiates is:

Yogi Publication Society

P.O. Box 728

Geneva, Illinois   60134

Cost is $12   Book is a beautiful hardbound reprint, first copyright 1912

I think shipping is $1 for the first book and $.50 for each additional.

If you send a money order you will get your book faster. They also have a
wonderful list of books they include in your order.

The Kybalion is a terrific book for beginner or advanced student of any
type of discipline. Every re-reading of the book reveals new information,
and many paradoxes and questions are reconciled by it. It's fast reading
and easy to comprehend and relate to, regardless of your background.

Application of the 7 Hermetic Principles, now that's another story.....


Hermes Trismegistus was an ancient Egyptian occultist,spiritualist,
philosopher. He lived 5000 years ago during Abraham's time and was either
Abraham's contemporary, or one of his teachers.

Hermes was immortilized as:

the Egyptian God- Thoth,

the Greek God -Hermes,

the Roman God- Mercury.

Now, he delivers flowers for FTD.  Hey, the 90's is hard on everyone.


[12]: From: Melissa Ann Fornof 
Subject: Re:pain and Kundalini


>From your very first post, I have always been strangely affected by your 
posts.  I find them remarkably beautiful and warm--I can almost feel love 
emenating from them.  I've read other stories of people seeing/talking to 
Angels, Christ, etc.--but yours just so oddly strike some nerve in me 
somewhere.  Perhaps because yours is the only story I've read so far that 
contains NO physical pain (my worst fear); perhaps I'm connected to you 
in some cosmic manner I don't know about.  I don't know.  But it is a 
wonderful feeling I get reading your posts.  It's as if every post    
is speaking directly to me, though it may be addressed to someone else.  
And I am glad they are somewhat lenghthy posts--this enables you to 
clarify where a shortened version would leave behind more questions.    
Please don't edit or restrict yourself.  Others can do that themselves if 
your post is too long for them.

I have never been a believer in seeing/talking to light beings, or past 
lives--but I am open to the possibility.  How would someone like me then, 
without a guide or guru, get in touch with these "angels?"  Or learn of 
past lives, if I've had any?  I'm very interested, and I think others on 
this list are as well.

Also, how would one go about cleansing deep-rooted emotional problems 
from this lifetime?  I have several large ones that I know of in detail, 
but don't know how to get rid of.  I wanted to seek psychological help 
for years, but can't afford professional therapy.

I was never raped in the sense you were, but I endured repeated sexual 
abuse from multiple partners during one year of my life--my "dark 
period."  I thought I had dealt with it, but with my husband's help, I 
realized I just "repackaged" it and tucked it away in a corner, where it 
comes exploding out when a paricular trigger sets it off.  How did you 
overcome your rape experience?  How does Kundalini fit into your 

Also, I have noticed that since Kundalini, whenever I have one of these 
explosions, I have the K experience of burning skin QUITE strong, and 
feel a dizzy-weaving-vibrating in my head, as well as pressure in the 
ears--yet it is not painful.  I would have thought such negative energy 
would suppress rather than excite the K, or manifest through pain.  
Explanations anyone?

On a more positive note, after reading your last post, I had the first 
real K experience I've had in a long time, though mild.  I won't go into 
detail now, but it was warm, happy, and wonderful.  I am certain it was 
initiated by your last post.

I was originally going to send this to Michelle personally, but as I 
wrote, I thought others may have some of the same questions I do, and 
that I could use input from others as well.  So, anyone reading this 
post, feel free to reply.  I love all the suggestions and ideas this 
group gives out.

Love to all, Melissa

[13]: From: (Michelle Withers)
Subject: Re:pain and Kundalini

Dear Melissa and all,

Michelle here.  I am continually filled with awe at how this positive
energy I have around me effects those who come into contact with it.  This
is basically why I felt comfortable in the beginning labeling my
experiences as heavenly, and angelic - and thus they became.

I would like to offer any of you a look at a porcelean angel which I have
had the angel Gabriel guide me and nag me to make.  Yes - heaven nags MUCH
worse than my mother!  :)  The only difference is that it knows HOW to
light a fire under me without me digging in my heals to prove that I don't
have to listen.  If anyone would like to have a look - I can send you a
gif. file upon request.  I'm not trying to sell anything (well not exactly
- I have a promoter working on it - heaven really has been filling me with
QUITE a vision for these angels...).

I have a scanned photo on my hard disk of this angel, and I feel that it is
appropriate to offer anybody a look if they need some inspiration.  This
angel I make is a direct gift from heaven to help us to see within our
spirit, and just by looking at her she has a magical effect on us, and can
speak to us in whatever way our soul can hear heaven.

As to some of Melissa's questions.....

>From your very first post, I have always been strangely affected by your
>posts.  I find them remarkably beautiful and warm--I can almost feel love
>emenating from them.

This is what I usually hear as a reaction when people look at this angel I
make, but it is SO nice to hear that this energy carries through into my
energy pattern.  :)

 perhaps I'm connected to you
>in some cosmic manner I don't know about.

At this point in my spiritual journey I feel connected to whomever I decide
to take a connected look at - which has made me believe that we are all
connected, and all will feel this same connectiveness with time.  ha ha  :)

  I don't know.  But it is a
>wonderful feeling I get reading your posts.  It's as if every post
>is speaking directly to me, though it may be addressed to someone else.

My angels just replyed that every post which they have a hand in is
directed into anyone who listens to the heart of the words I speak.  God
has decided to use me as a tool to help his children to see a better way to
live this life we have chosen to embark upon - and we are all conciously
(in this group) embarking on a path to awaken our greater self to join
somewhat with our physical selves.
>I have never been a believer in seeing/talking to light beings, or past
>lives--but I am open to the possibility.  How would someone like me then,
>without a guide or guru, get in touch with these "angels?"  Or learn of
>past lives, if I've had any?  I'm very interested, and I think others on
>this list are as well.

I was awakened without my deciding to about 2 years ago.  This awakening
followed a really nasty 4 months of sickness which went from one thing to
another.  I think this was a MAJOR cleansing for me.

I searched around for about 6 months looking for a word - or group to latch
onto while I went through the beginning stages of this tremendous
neurological change I felt happening to my body - it was great though  :)
if you take away all the self doubt, and feelings of madness  :)  It only
took me about a month to decide to call these energies which I felt moving
through my body - my angels.  They would play all sorts of tricks on me -
moving things around, and screwing with music lyrics - which I have heard
people remarking on in this group too.  Whenever this type of thing
happened - I ALWAYS thanked my angels for opening me up to experience this
type of hilarity - and asked them to continue helping me to a better

Conversation has always been my end goal - and I still have alot of work to
do.  But I would attribute my success to this point to dedicated thanks,
and prayer, and to just plain old allowing my concious mind to believe in
magic, and miracles - and just silly old angels playing tricks - whatever
way they decide to do - in whatever venue - it is still an opportunity to
converse with heaven.

How many times have we had a coincidence happen in our lives and just put
it down to coincidence??  I always look deep into these experiences to find
a deeper understanding.  It's like if someone is talking to you - but you
aren't really listening.  They ask you if you are, and you reach into your
brain to drag out the conversation piece by piece.  Same type of thing -
just different part of the brain.

I like offering this exercise.  Think of someone you haven't seen in many
many years - or even haven't thought of.  As soon as you conjure up that
person - note how they feel - then think of someone you see all the time
and note how different they feel.  Try thinking of all sorts of different
people - different sexes and personalities.  It's not just the way people
look - or their mannerisms - there is always something distinctive which
sets them aside from others - this is their soul imprint on our being (my
interpretation).  There even might be some people who you can sense coming
into your space.

I could launch into a discussion of people who are energy suckers - but I
will assume for conversation that we all understand that everyone has a
different feel.

I concentrated on this concept for about a month until I could conciously
tell something quite different about just about anyone I met anywhere.  The
reason I did this was it was something I felt heaven had instructed me to
do.  Not in words, but it was something I just thought of one day - and
decided to do - just like making these porcelean angels.  It was entirely
my CHOICE to follow their lead.  We all have incredibly inspiring thoughts
everyday, but it is our choice not to believe in these wild dreams...why
not!!!  dare to dream  :)  You never know.....

>Also, how would one go about cleansing deep-rooted emotional problems
>from this lifetime?  I have several large ones that I know of in detail,
>but don't know how to get rid of.  I wanted to seek psychological help
>for years, but can't afford professional therapy.

Once again - My experience has been a blind one - meaning that I haven't
read any books on gurus - or any of that.  I just allowed myself to do
whatever I felt was right each and every day - trying to not feel too
foolish while doing it.  For instance.

One day I was standing in my kitchen looking out of my window when I felt
the overwhelming desire to move with the music I had playing in the
background.  Over the next month I was taught by a deep knowledge inside -
how to move in the most exquisite (sp?) way to the music - I believe that
it was a past life memory.  This dance/exercise was slow and felt like I
was playing with mother earth energy, just allowing it to work my muscles
slowly - I suppose you could call it a sort of balance/yoga/dance sort of
thing.  I noticed that I always positioned myself facing the rising sun  :)
and always included mother earth and heaven into the dance.

One night I was finishing up dinner when my husband told me that he had
taped this TV show for me, and in this show I saw what was supposed to be a
wise woman dancing JUST like I did in my kitchen.  Within this TV show that
my husband taped in the middle of the night (coincidence?) there were about
3 different coincidences (NOT), and by the end of it I was stunned into
silence.  What I couldn't figure out was had I know how to do this
dance? I guess I'm a good listener, and actualizer.

Patience, trust,  no inhibitions, love, joy, and being able to let go and
have alot of fun.  :)

>I was never raped in the sense you were, but I endured repeated sexual
>abuse from multiple partners during one year of my life--my "dark
>period."  I thought I had dealt with it, but with my husband's help, I
>realized I just "repackaged" it and tucked it away in a corner, where it
>comes exploding out when a paricular trigger sets it off.  How did you
>overcome your rape experience?  How does Kundalini fit into your

Yes - I too recall that part of my life as my "dark days".  I was quite
close to giving up - but I found my soul mate in the midst of the darkest
time.  I was about to take sleeping pills when my boyfriend at the time
(just barely - we had only been going out for about a month) - called me at
my dorm room.  He had no idea about what had happened to me, and so I
blurted it all out to him, and told him that he had every right to walk
away from the situation if he wanted to.  But he didn't, and convinced me
to carry on, and in my heart I knew that he had saved me in that moment of
despirite need.  He had no knowledge how close I was to giving up at that
time - I had been crying for 3 days straight, and if anyone here has done
that it is a VERY dark place you fall into.  At any rate I quit university
that day, and took myself off to Europe for a month and blew all my student
loan - :)  just what my soul needed to get over the hump.  I married this
"boyfriend" who saved my life by a coincidence (NOT) 9 years ago today.

The actual rape was something I have taken years to cleanse - and I don't
totally think I will ever give up a part of me which truly hates his man -
but I have found an understanding that we all go through terrible things in
our lives to learn compassion for others.  I will never forget this
experience, and will never allow myself to, because it has allowed me to
relate to so many other women.

In regards to cleansing - I am constantly asking my angels to alighn me to
the light, and to release any blocks I have.  I imagine any upset I am
experiencing - and *see* my angels in my minds eye infront of me (anyone
can do this).  Then I get the feeling of this upset I want to release, mull
it over in my head for a moment to get it to the forefront of my mind -
then I release it, handing it over to the angel infront of me - sometimes
hurling it at him/her in my anxiousness to get rid of it.  In it's place I
put peace and harmony - or the opposite to what I have cleansed.  This is
something I do quite often, when I am feeling angry at someone - I look
within, and realize that the anger I feel isn't pointed at them - it's
something from within myself, which needs a closer look at.

>Also, I have noticed that since Kundalini, whenever I have one of these
>explosions, I have the K experience of burning skin QUITE strong, and
>feel a dizzy-weaving-vibrating in my head, as well as pressure in the
>ears--yet it is not painful.  I would have thought such negative energy
>would suppress rather than excite the K, or manifest through pain.
>Explanations anyone?

Have you tried asking for assistance - or visualizing - or trying to sense
something other than the physical - like what's your thoughts on the
pressure, where's it coming from - outside of the physical?  Try pulling
yourself away from the physical, and allowing yourself to only be held
there by the discomfort - maybe it's there to assist you in not floating
away when you experience the life force.

>On a more positive note, after reading your last post, I had the first
>real K experience I've had in a long time, though mild.  I won't go into
>detail now, but it was warm, happy, and wonderful.  I am certain it was
>initiated by your last post.


Thanks for the soapbox - hope you all enjoy some of the suggestions *we* had.

In light and love,


[14]: From: Jim Cook 
Subject: Re: I surrender

At 03:12 AM 6/27/96 -0400, you wrote:
>John and Karol,
>Have you two tried to take a nice warm, relaxing bath, the water will
>energize your physical body and help you to balance the energies. Sometimes
>the water brings healing since so much of our bodies are water it is easy to
>get lost in it and enter back into the womb, and into the unity with all of
>creation. This should help, next, where is this itchy on the body? Let me
>sleep on it. Gloria

Dear Gloria,

Thank you for this post because you reminded me of something that I had
totally forgotten about.

When my Kundalini was awakened three years ago, I didn't experience any
burning sensations but I kept getting strong desires to take a hot bath.
I didn't have a bath tub and my shower didn't get it.
So, I went out and bought a few hundred dollars worth of lumber and built me
a hot tub.
It was like Heaven. I spent an hour in it each night.
I had to move a year later and I couldn't bring the hot tub with me so I
left it there.
Two months ago, I drove by my old residence and saw my hot tub in the front
yard turned into a huge planter box.

Bye For Now


[15]: From:
Subject: Re: Kundalini Path

Maybe the image of God isn't what is important, but the energy that comes
through that image. If it is of pure truth, love and compassion that is the
frequency we are going to. Gloria

[16]: From:
Subject: Re: re: herpes

Wow, some poem! Interesting experience. Gloria

[17]: From:
Subject: Re: I surrender

You can always build Hot Tub #2. Gloria