[1]: From: ori 
Subject: Intro ; palms ; kriyas

Hello all,
I have been lurking a couple weeks and thought it time to share
a little about my experiences and seek feedback.  I am glad to
see a list with a focus so specific as this.  I've tried to talk
about my experiences on other lists with varying amounts of success.
I feel I am taking a risk to share and be as open and candid as I 
feel I need to be.
My awakening began in full force about a year and a half ago.
I became involved in working with energy online on IRC.  I was
amazed it could be accomplished through the computer.  In the
beginning were simple energy flows... in group meditations.
I could feel the energy flowing from others, but initially didn't 
know if I even had a flow of my own ;)

I am not clear, even to this day, if my experiences are a result
of kundalini, or some other more generic kind of energy occurrences.
Very early on, during a group meditation, I would experience an
increased heightening of consciousness and on occasion, much to
my amazement (and initial embarrassment) spontaneous orgasms.
Somehow I received the information that the orgasms were simply
a by-product of the energy flow... sort of a secondary focus.

I picked up a few books about kundalini just to try to get more
information.  When I open to receive new information I am often
led intuitively to what it seems I need to know.  I read about
kriyas and something seemed to ring a bell.  I started wondering
if the orgasms were a sort of sexual kriya?  I still have not
found anyone who talks about it in this way...

Anyway as time went on, my own energy flow became more apparent
with a resultant expansion of consciousness.  I learned about 
grounding, and consciously working with establishing my energy
flow, and about various aspects of working with chakras.

The other somewhat disturbing factor has been that after major
sessions of working with the energy, my palms and soles of my
feet have burned, sometimes for days.  The first time this happened
it was very distracting.  I ran water over my palms repeatedly in 
an attempt to soothe the burning.  After 24 hours of intense burning
and asking everyone I could find for ideas about how to alleviate the
burning, someone suggested holding crystals.  I had a large quartz
crystal, and this did seem to help.

One thought I've had is that the burning is a result of working 
through impurities.  But it seems to be a contstant for me.  So
now I'm not sure what to think.  The burning often comes after
a period of intense energy flowing and most often now I just accept
it as part of the work and rarely seek relief for it anymore,
although I massage my palms *a lot*.

I've had discussions with a few yogis on IRC, one who claimed that
I was not experiencing real kundalini activity.  And I may not be.
But if kundalini is an evolutionary energy, then what is to say 
that its presence may not evolve from how it is documented in cases
from traditional India, etc.?  And then I've talked with experienced
energy workers who said this was clearly kundalini.  All I know is
*something* is going on here!

This energy work seems to go in cycles.  When I am actively involved
in intense spiritual pursuits then the energy becomes extremely 
activated.  This has been the case the last few weeks for me.  During
this time of extreme activation, I once again have been experiencing
orgasms, sometimes at very inconvenient moments, like when driving
my car!  I have to very consciously and forcefully slow the energy
down and attempt to get bigger than it is.  I can't quite explain
this concept.  Something is telling me not to ground it... but to
keep it flowing.  Makes for some quite interesting growth periods.

These are some of the highlights of my story... at least the ones
I am most troubled by and seeking input about.  I ended up writing
more than I thought I would.  I saw a mention of SEN in one post,
and have been fortunate to be involved in the organizing of a new
SEN group in the county where I live.  We have met since the first
of the year, and I find much support there.


     ori^           * Ascension is awareness of the simultaneous  * 
mermaidATNOSPAMeskimo.com  % coexistence of multidimensional realities   %

 [2]: From: V487ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: k and ufo's

Hello: S. Hustead 

I just came home and I am a little tired, but I wanted to say something about
ufo's and kundalini.  Kundalini is important  because  of the side effects
 of  the out of body experience that goes along with the  kundalini
awakening.   Since no one replied to your post I'll put my two cents worth
in.   Yes the UFO's  are involved indirectly.  For any one theat knows a
little about astrol projection.  It should be very easy to figure out the
next step.   An advanced civilization knows just like the Major in charge of
the top secret division of the intelligents for the military that specializes
in remote viewing  knows.  By the way he has a home page on the Internet. Let
me know if you would like the address.  If a person can wonder around in the
astrol or mental plane then there must me a scientific explanation for it.
 It is not just only God or spiritual it is also scientific or the military
would not get involved in it.
Just use the same principle or technique that applies to the physical
projecting into the astrol  to the ufo crafts.. There is no difference.
 Every one that ever experienced  and abduction or witnessed a UFO will tell
you there is no sound and it seems just a little mystical.  There is no other
way that any thing can travel form one universe to another one many light
years away with in a few seconds except through this astral and mental plane.
 It is all confirmed by remote viewing and  also time travel, but that is
another subject.  

Just remember that as long as  (?) can keep you unaware that (?) has full
Take care,

 [3]: From: bpeayATNOSPAMaloha.net (Bill Peay)
Cc: Brian 
Subject: A place to start

Aloha Brian,

You have a very interesting message here. I'm not sure how to advise you,
but I'm in contact with a huge body of people who may have some ideas.
Since you asked if anyone could help you, I'm forwarding your message to
the "kundalini-l" mailing list.  Perhaps one of our friends can e-mail back
to you directly at:


You may want to join this list, too, and observe what others have
experienced with kundalini awakening.  You can find links to this mailing
list all overthe kundalini Web pages.

I wish I could offer more, but I'm at a loss for words right now.  My heart
goes out to you though.




>From: Brian 
>Subject: A place to start
>Hi my name is Brian and I have lived in a Yoga Ashram for the past
>8 years (leaving last spring).
>The reason I am writing is that, for the past 2 years, my crown has
>been burning non-stop.  Nothing I do seems to change it.  And now
>it is localized on the only on the crown.  The sensations are very
>strong and painful.
>I have tried most everything and am close to giving up.
>I am no longer in touch with my guru. He, like many eastern gurus,
>sexually abused his disciples.  i was also a victim (but by his
>closer disciples0
>"Our" path was a Kundalini path, but few people really knew what
>was happening.  And we had so many Acharyas pass through, teaching
>different techiniques.  Who know what could have happened.
>When the burning first manifested, I was told that it was a 'good
>thing' and to leave it up to 'grace' and the protection of my
>Now there are times when I wish I never heard of the word yoga.  I
>can only imagine what is happening is a result of my years of
>practice (which relied heavily on grace)  I did ask my 'guru' what
>he thought at the beginning, but he admitted he really didn't know
>what to do.
>Do you, or do you know of anyone who can help?
>I have tried everything form accupunction to pranic healing.
>Nothing has helped.
>Thanks for you help.
>Brian (used to be Pandu)

 [4]: From: bpeayATNOSPAMaloha.net (Bill Peay)
Subject: Re: Important: Topics of Discussion

>From: GgjiATNOSPAMaol.com
>Subject: Re: Important: Topics of Discussion
>It is very easy to get way off of the topic, but it is also wonderful to let
>the spirit move things. What kinds of things are they suggesting? I for one
>can hardly get through the e-mail I have, I don't know if I can give it more
>time. Gloria

Gloria, I agree with you.  It's a toss up between allowing a discussion to
run a natural course (letting the spirit move things), and keeping up with
ever increasing e-mail demands.

At first, Richard and I were hoping that a few people would share some
personal experiences, which, with the author's permission, we could capture
and place on the mailing list Web server, and the Kundalini Resource Center
Web servers to demonstrate to people wandering in just what type of traffic
they might encounter if they joined the kundalini-l mailing list.  I think
that was driving some of the perceived "rigidity" each of you might have
perceived as we attempted to pull the discussions back to kundalini.  We
simply wanted to try and hear from everyone wanting to post their kundalini
experiences befoe things wandered away (sort of like in a workshop when
everyone introduces themselves before the workshop really gets started).

Well, thanks to the strong prticipation, we have some excellent personal
stories, and many of them are living on the Web now.  Thanks to each of

Recognizing that Richard's list is now serving 100+ people (remember when
it was  around 30 strong about a week or so ago?), what will happen if we
hit some hot buttons for just 10 percent of the list's members? If we
saturate the list with too much e-mail, some subscribers will drop off --
from shear volume alone!  That would be sad, indeed, if they really wanted
to continue reading and discussing kundalini issues/concepts, but had to
give up for lack of time to go through all the non-related e-mail (even
though the trash is close).

Also, I'm a bit concerned that by posting "samples" on the Web of what has
been on the list in the past, if we stray too far from the kundalini topic
in the actual mail, we may end up misrepresenting the list to "newbies" who
join.  There were a couple of days there where most of the traffic was
about either homeopathy or universal love -- both worthy topics for
discussion, but a confusing conversation for someone just finding out about
the mailing list.


I'm in favor of attempting to keep the conversations as close to kundalini
issues as possible, if nothing more than to honor the new subscribers who
are experiencing that same excited realization that "they are not alone" as
they read other's comments and kundalini experiences (remember how *you*
felt when you read your first few kundalini posts here?)

If the conversations wander, and we all know they will, that should be
fine, too, within reason.  Remember, if two people become hotly involved in
a discussion, and it has drifted away from the fundamental concept of this
list, it is very easy to move the conversation off the list and continue
the thread between the parties involved.

So, as you said Gloria, "It is very easy to get way off of the topic, but
it is also wonderful to let the spirit move things."

Fortunately, Richard is capturing significant points expressed on the list
and reposting them on his Web site in a conversation "threads" section.
That serves to draw razor sharp focus to those threads as they evolve.  It
is a HUGE job, though, and we really owe Richard a big debt of gratitude
for all his work.

Thus, even if the list gets out of hand a bit on side conversations,
Richard can keep the Web republishing of the list on topic. So there is a
"balance" of sorts, if we use both our e-mailer and browser software.

I don't know if any of this helps, but perhaps it sheds some light of how
we got to where we are now.  Where we go from here is up to each of us now.

By all means, do participate. We all enjoy hearing from you!



PS. Kurt Keutzer has just updated his "Kundalini FAQ" on the Web. This has
been a long time coming, is very professionally done, includes color
picures, and is fully cross-linked with his related files.  Please stop by
the Web for a look, and feel free to e-mail Kurt with your comments.  Even
though it is up on the Kundalini Resource Center, it is still in "beta"
form and Kurt is definitely open to comments and suggestions for
improvement before we post his "final" version. We are very fortunate to
have Kurt as a contributor to our shared kundalini information. His
original "Kundalini FAQ," released back in 1994, was, for a long time, the
only information on kundalini on the Internet.

 [5]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Garland & heat

----------Anonymous forward ------------------------------------------------

Dear Richard,

Many people seem to be bothered a lot by heat. It seems that the amount of
heat generated depends on the temperament/past life karma etc. Fortunately,
I have not experienced any discomfort from heat. However, there might be
some easy remedy for that.

I have read, both in the biography of Ramakrishna and the autobiography of
Muktananda, about their problems with heat. One has to wear a garland of
sweet smelling (it is important that they have a sweet smell) flowers.
In addition , one can use natural sweet smelling scents on the body. A
paste of sandal wood (or chandana),usually applied to the forehead
during meditation (to keep it cool), can also be applied to the body.

In puujaas, one worships the deva-s/devii-s (lit. beings of light
gods/godesses) with sweet smelling flowers. Sandal wood paste is also used
on the statues and pictures representing the deva-s/devii-s.

I haven't any experience in this matter so I can't recommend the above 
procedure to anyone. If some members suffer too much from heat, its probably
worth a try. It is however strictly up to them.


(signature deleted)


 [6]: From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: Intro ; palms ; kriyas

ori wrote: (in part)
> I am not clear, even to this day, if my experiences are a result
> of kundalini, or some other more generic kind of energy occurrences.
> Very early on, during a group meditation, I would experience an
> increased heightening of consciousness and on occasion, much to
> my amazement (and initial embarrassment) spontaneous orgasms.
> Somehow I received the information that the orgasms were simply
> a by-product of the energy flow... sort of a secondary focus.

> Anyway as time went on, my own energy flow became more apparent
> with a resultant expansion of consciousness.  I learned about
> grounding, and consciously working with establishing my energy
> flow, and about various aspects of working with chakras.
> The other somewhat disturbing factor has been that after major
> sessions of working with the energy, my palms and soles of my
> feet have burned, sometimes for days.  The first time this happened
> it was very distracting.  I ran water over my palms repeatedly in
> an attempt to soothe the burning.  After 24 hours of intense burning
> and asking everyone I could find for ideas about how to alleviate the
> burning, someone suggested holding crystals.  I had a large quartz
> crystal, and this did seem to help.
> One thought I've had is that the burning is a result of working
> through impurities.  But it seems to be a contstant for me.  So
> now I'm not sure what to think.  The burning often comes after
> a period of intense energy flowing and most often now I just accept
> it as part of the work and rarely seek relief for it anymore,
> although I massage my palms *a lot*.
> I've had discussions with a few yogis on IRC, one who claimed that
> I was not experiencing real kundalini activity.  And I may not be.
> But if kundalini is an evolutionary energy, then what is to say
> that its presence may not evolve from how it is documented in cases
> from traditional India, etc.?  And then I've talked with experienced
> energy workers who said this was clearly kundalini.  All I know is
> *something* is going on here!
> This energy work seems to go in cycles.  When I am actively involved
> in intense spiritual pursuits then the energy becomes extremely
> activated.  

> ori^

Dear ori^

Your experiences parallel my own more than any I have read so far.  I too 
have burning palms and feet (the feet only sometimes) and experience 
spontaneous orgasms.  Someone just told me the burning palms are healing 
energy I could use to help others.  The fleshy part of my hand below the 
little finger is quite red to the eye.  The night my feet were most involved 
I wanted to scream.  I massaged them with aloe vera gel and it helped a bit 
but I eventually took a very strong antihistimine.  I frequently take salt 
baths and have been told to add baking soda as well.

I hope you will continue to communicate.  Finding someone with such similar 
'symptoms' is very helpful to my peace of mind - even on this wonderful list. 
 Bless you for the courage to post.  I hope you will find it gets easier and 
more rewarding.


 [7]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Re: Important: Topics of Discussion

Bill wrote,

> Fortunately, Richard is capturing significant points expressed on the list
> and reposting them on his Web site in a conversation "threads" section.
> That serves to draw razor sharp focus to those threads as they evolve.  It
> is a HUGE job, though, and we really owe Richard a big debt of gratitude
> for all his work.

If anyone out there would like to volunteer to help with this task - by
gathering threads of posts on one topic together into one file and then
forwarding them to me - it would be a great help.  The digests might be the
best way to do this.  You could simply subscribe to both, and use the digest
as the source file.  This way,  you could be sure to get all of the posts. 
Write me off line if you are interested.


 [8]: From: cmwithATNOSPAMcris.com (Michelle Withers)
Subject: Re: Psychic Experiences

Dear Nina, and all,

Michelle here.  I too have had this temendous experience many times and I
can't truly explain how incredible it feels to be right on the brink of
something so sacred, and unbelievably huge.  Just to glimpse the beginning
of the knowledge is an amazing feeling.  :)  This type experience I have
attributed to my angels trying to awaken my spirit - just a normal part of
the training we are all going to go through over the next decade or so.

This I believe right to the tips of my toes - I know that we are all in for
this awakening of the spirit.  Awakening to all the areas which can be
awakened - to somehow evolve.

It also seems to me that just as I get comfortable with a new area which is
being awakened - such as this " on the edge of the "void"/heaven "
experience - Heaven decides that I'm getting too comfy with it, and they
awaken another area which puts me into a tailspin again.  Anyone else
noticed this??  I've been awakened to seeing auras, feeling people, hearing
their thoughts, predicting what's just about to happen, seeing angels,
seeing earths lattices and energy patterns, having experiences with mother
earth (a particular favorite of mine :)  :) ), channeling the healing of
God, having conversations with Christ and Gabriel, etcetera, etcetera...At
the moment it is speaking to light beings, and angels.  I feel like I'm so
alone in this experience, like heaven only is in it with me - but my heart
is so filled with joy that I don't have any room to feel the actual feeling
of being alone.

Went off on a BIG tangent - but from the looks of it - it should be OK.

Looking forward to reading ALL the rest of my mail - mailbox is REALLY full
today - but I quite like it that way.  :)

I light and love,


"Every breath of air and ray of light and heat, every beautiful prospect,
is, as it were, the skirt of their garments, the waving of the robes of
those whose faces see God."

                     -John Henry Newman

>        Yes, I believe that all of us have some positive psychic experience to
>tell.  Months ago, I received a letter from a friend.  I noticed that he
>seemed very confused and distressed, so I decided to write a prayer fit
>for his situation.  Generally, I write very fast, but this time, for no
>apparent reason, I wrote so very slowly.  Then, I perceived that the
>sentences were coming to me complete as if I was reading them on
>index-cards.  I was conscious of what was happening, but suddenly, I lost
>myself--a dizziness.  I felt as if a cosmic archive was being thrown into
>my mind.  What an experience . . . a sensation that I was about to have
>all the knowledge . . . no more mysteries.  I don' t know exactly what is
>a nirvanic state, but I imagine that it may be very similar.

 [9]: From: V487ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: ufo's and kundalini

Thanks for the response to my post concerning the Home page address for the
Major in charge of the PSI TECH remote viewing as per the post.  There is a
lot of interest  in these things and I received many requests for the home
page address, but I received a scolding from one person.  I think that is a
scolding, but not sure? Please let me also know  what is the problem.  If
anyone knows please feel me in, too.   

<< hello there, my name is vanaja and i have been following the mailing list 
 for the past 3 weeks.i am very new to kundalini experiences.however i 
 would like to clarify what/whose address are you refering to in you mail?

Please clarify your meaning. Thanks

The home page is still under construction, but you can leave E-Mail and
receive information.  It is:


I am only passing along the information to you as requested, but I am in no
way involved with it.  


[10]: From: Pat Welsh 
Subject: herpes

Iver Juster wrote:

>RE Herpes:    Interesting that people should mention that. I don't have
>herpes, as far as I know. However, that was the first thing I thought I had
>when the awakening began. It made logical sense, as there was a lot of nerve
>activation. I tried all sorts of herpes things like acyclovir (cream and
>pills) and when it didn't help, I stated to suspect something else was
>wrong. I got tested for herpes about 5 times.  All negative.

When I got herpes, it was *full blown*: in my anus, in my vaginal lips,
maybe in my mouth.  It was preceded by a terrible achiness and fever.  

The doctor said it had to be related to immediate (?) sexual contact with an
infected person--but my partner had not changed/we weren't having oral/anal

Because of my UFO interest, I finally "concluded" that I must have had sex
with an infected person "on craft"...

*Thanks* for offering the theory that the virus is dormant in my
system/linked to another dramatic bout of kundalini...!

[11]: From: pettyATNOSPAMjpp-ws.sharpwa.com (John Petty)
Subject: I surrender

What a helluva night I had.  Maybe 3 hours sleep.

All day yesterday my attention kept being directed to the third eye and
the K-energy seemed higher than usual.  I went home and felt as if the
void was beginning to contract around me... squeezing and isolating me.
I didn't feel like exercizing, but did so anyway.  Afterward, I was so
tired I went upstairs to lie down.  I drifted in and out hoping that
maybe a short nap would refresh me so that I could salvage the rest of
the day.  Instead, I became more and more uncomfortable and restless.
My attention was constantly pulled up to the third eye.  My attempts
to relax and meditate were only met with greater restlessness,  and
lots of body jerking.  There were times I just wanted to jump out of
my skin.  Many times during the night I felt the need for sexual release.
I wanted to get up and eat, watch TV, read a magazine, masturbate, etc...
anything to distract me from what I was experiencing.  But I hung in there
knowing that it takes just such a pressure cooker for transformation to
occur.  (At least for me anyway)

At one point I drifted off, but was soon awakened by a tremendous rush
of energy going up my spine and into my head.  As I lay there unable to
move, the thought crossed my mind, "this is it, brace yourself!"  I
thought that I was going to be blasted into outer space, but after about
15 seconds or so it died down and a calmness decended over me.

On the psychological front, I feel like I am dying... again.  It's as if
heaven is asking me to close my eyes and jump off a cliff.


[12]: From: Cathy Newman 
Subject: Re: sitting in the void

Dear John:

I think what you may be experiencing in your job situation is what 
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs terms Self-actualization Needs.

"Maslow describes self-actualization as a person's need to be and do 
that which the person was born to do.  It is his "calling".  "A 
musician must make music, and artist must paint, and a poet must 
write."  If these needs are not met, the person feels restlessness, on 
edge, tense, or lacking something.  Lower needs may also produce a 
restless feeling, but here is it much easier to find the cause.  If a 
person is hungry, unsafe, not loved or accepted, or lacking self-esteem 
the cause is apparent.  It is not always clear what a person wants when 
there is a need for self-actualization."

>From what I understand so far about Kundalini awakening, there seems to 
be strong need for those awakened to seek careers which ultimately 
serve others.

Then again, yes, you could just be having a mid-life crisis.

I truly feel for you,

  Cathy D. Newman

[13]: From: Karol Ann Barnett 
Subject: Re: I surrender


> What a helluva night I had.  Maybe 3 hours sleep.

Move over, John!  I had a hellish night last night, too.  Unbelieveably 
so.  Even my 13 yr old son had difficulty.  We were vibrating about 2 
hours before bedtime.  The itching that I often mention was tortuous for 
me last night.  My husband tried to do bodywork on me, to allow the 
energy to flow off, but it was just too intense last night.  I got some 
small relief by sitting cross-legged and holding my left foot in my right 
hand and vice versa in order to make a complete circuit.  But I kept 
falling over in my exhaustion.

> to relax and meditate were only met with greater restlessness,  and
> lots of body jerking.  There were times I just wanted to jump out of
> my skin.

I know just what you mean!

> On the psychological front, I feel like I am dying... again.  It's as if
> heaven is asking me to close my eyes and jump off a cliff.
Hang on, John.  We're with you!  Karol Ann