Date: Tue, 25 Jun kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 26 
 [1]: From: Royale Jills 
Subject: Re: Correct topics of discussion?

       I say what beautiful thoughts!         Royale.

At 11:52 PM 6/24/96 +0000, Niles Rodrick wrote:
>My hat goes off to Patti in agreement.   And while I'm here I'd like to
throw a log on the fire...

>>  Gaze deeply into the shriyantra and see that everything is interrelated
and dependent. Only our ego keeps us separate. Ego, the sense of being I, as
apart from you, is the real barrier to fully experiencing sexual energy and
love. The more solid the ego, the more difficult it is to unite. Were
very attached to our separateness. We love to compare ourselves with
other people; to judge and criticize others; to manipulate and compete
with others; to blame others for our problems.

>>      All these games must be sacrificed to gain  the mystical experience,
...for in union, no one is there... The ego must die so you can be reborn
into higher consciousness. Love only emerges out of the void where ' there
is no I , and there is no other'.
>> 	The most intense experience anyone can have is the sexual orgasm, for in
that moment we transcend to the state of Samadi. At that moment there is no
separation. This one experience is available to all, and for many, it is the
only mystical experience they will ever have.  This momentary glimpse leaves
us with a deep yearning to repeat it, not just for the sexual release,  but
for the truth it reveals. Because in that moment we remember ' who we really
>> 	In tantra you can extend the climax to many minutes, even hours. The
state of enlightenment has been described as perpetual orgasm. Once you
learn to attain the state in meditation, is no longer necessary. In
orgasm you are at one with yourself, with your lover, with all creation,
...with God. There is no time, ... no past or future. Only ' total presence'
in the eternal now. The breath stops, the mind is empty,  ... and from this
void comes profound love, ... divine joy... and  ...illuminating bliss...
>What say ye?

 [2]: From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: Correct topics of discussion?

Dear all,

It seems to me that Freedom is the highest principle of divine Love.  After 
all we have been given so much of it.  I for one am grateful for every bit of 
it.  I would like to see the list reflect that freedom.


 [3]: From: Royale Jills 
Subject: Unidentified subject!

hi again. tried your home page but said "cant locate, noDNS " etc.  Ill try
again later as it may be busy.   What a coincidence, im a snake also.(albiet
an older one)  It so good to be wise, huh? 
Thanks anyway and keep up the good work.  Royale.

 [4]: From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: confession


I once spontaneously levitated after consuming a few drinks.  Scotch, to be 
specific. It was my first experience with the supernatural (other than a few 
deja-vus).  My thoughts and feelings at the time were very spiritual and 
expansive and I do believe it was these thoughts that lifted me and it would 
have happened with or without the alcohol. 

I have, over the years, come to believe that all chemicals - aspirin, 
vitamins, psychdelics, even foods - are mostly tools we use to manifest our 
intentions and desires.  If we attribute more power to the chemicals than to 
our intentions and desires, addictions follows. I still eat and smoke and 
take vitamins, but that is about it.  

So about the confession I would say that if the initial experience did not 
lead you to see marijuana as its sole source, then just say thank you and 
deal with the kundalini in its present state.  Feelings of guilt possibly 
come from deeper feelings of unworthyness.  If you see no hierarchy, who 
could be more worthy?


 [5]: From: (John Petty)
Subject: 3rd eye, projection, void


Thanks for your comments on my third eye concerns.  I decided to forge
ahead and start meditating again using the "hong sau" technique while
concentrating on the CC.  The last few times I've done this I would
reach a point where it was as if a complete circuit would be formed
between the CC and my spine and energy would start rising.  The first
couple of times I got distracted and the process got interrupted, now
I'm trying to relax and extend the experience as long as I can.  Any


I enjoyed your out-of-body story.  I imagine that I have that to look
forward to.  My process seems to be heading in that direction.  At least
I have this intuition that a lot of the work that I am currently doing
will eventually lead to allowing the separation of the astral and phyical
bodies to occur.  When I'm deeply relaxed it's almost as if I can feel
a movement of the energy body without the physical moving.


Concerning my "sitting in the void", I've never felt that I was frantically
running, but I often look around and it appears that most people are.  I've
been very quiet and introspective for the last few years and have been
spending large amounts of time doing inner-work.  I know that I could be
out partying and living it up like the others, but that is not what I
really want.  Sometimes, though, it gets to me and I feel very alone and
wonder if it is worth it.  Then I decide that it is and keep going.

I have difficulty knowing when to take personal initiative to break through
a difficult situation even though I don't feel any inspiration to do so.
Is heaven waiting for me to act for myself or just working on my patience?


 [6]: From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: "cosmic consciousness"

Anna Abbiate Fubini wrote:

> By Richard  Maurice  Bucke, M.D.
> COSMIC   CONSCIOUSNESS        is rightly considered  to be one of the great
> classics of mystical experience  It is not only a powerful  and moving
> book,  it is so daring that, although  written almost  sixty years ago, it
> is still ahead of its time.   A book  of this sort can only be produced
> under  very special circumstances.  Its author  must  be a brave and
> unconventional   man  who has not only the authority of scientific training
> and the prestige of an eminent   position in that world, but also deep
> seated emotional conviction  based upon  personal  experience. Richard
> Maurice  Bucke  was just that man.
>   At 36 he had the sudden and illuminating metaphysical  experience  that
> lightened his life thereafter and led to the production  of this remarkable
> book. Dr. Bucke  claims he learned as much  in the few seconds  that  the
> illumination lasted as he had  in years of previous study, as well as much
> that no study could have  taught him.  Yet it was just an initiation, and
> not until years later, aftermuch  labor, did he understand   its true
> meaning - that  this extraordinary  event was not

I agree with Anna that this is a wonderful book. As an addendum I would 
recommend the video *Beautiful Dreamer*.  It is about the relationship 
between Bucke and Walt Whitman.  It may not be easy to find but would be 
worth the search.


 [7]: From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: "cosmic consciousness" 

Anna Abbiate Fubini wrote:
> By Richard  Maurice  Bucke, M.D.
> COSMIC   CONSCIOUSNESS        is rightly considered  to be one of the great
> meaning - that  this extraordinary  event was not

I also would recommend this book.  I does not deal with the physical 
symptoms of kundalini but the spiritual aspects of it.  Also I would like to 
recommend a video, Beautiful Dreamer (maybe Beautiful Dreamers) about the 
life of Dr. Bucke , the author, and his relationship with the poet Walt 
Whitman.  It may not be the easiest video to find, but I think it would be 
worth the search.  This film would have particular relevance for those 
dealing with loved ones who are mentally ill [ conventionally so ;-) ], 
retarded, institutionalized,etc. 


 [8]: From:
Subject: Re: confession

Hi Mary:

>I once spontaneously levitated after consuming a few drinks.  Scotch, to be 

It's called getting high.  I levitate all the time after a few drinks.  Try
it with a clear mind. 


[9]: From:
Subject: Re: 3rd eye, projection, void

Hi: John

Good to hear from you again.  Your on the right track now, full throttle

No one said it would be easy.  Nothing  in life that is easy is worthwhile.
You will get out of it what you put into it.

Good luck

[10]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Fwd: k and ufo's

------- FORWARD, Original message follows -------

Date: Tuesday, 25-Jun-96 11:57 AM

From: S. Hustead               \ Internet:    (

Subject: k and ufo's

I have not seen any responses to this question so I will respond with my 
own introduction and say that this is a positive for me.
  I have been seeing a bodyworker/therepist for about 6 weeks.  Something 
came to my awarness having to do with sexual abuse and I sought 
clarification and release.  I experienced being sodomized about the age 
of two and following that release I went to the light and then found 
myself inside a ufo watching what was going on.  It was the most 
peacefull and joyous vision and experience - beyound imaginable.  I had 
my aura photograph taken two weeks ago and in the photo are 4 ships, very 
clearly visible.  The photographer quikly took me aside and tlked to me 
about my photo and stated that I was in contact with the space brothers 
and sisters.  That was my into to kundalini force that was terminated by 
the sexual abuse.
In love and community

On Sat, 22 Jun 1996, Royale Jills wrote:

> was just reading your listing and i was recently thinking and wondering if
> ufos were somehow involved?  Ive always been curious as to what causes
> "awakenings", but at any rate it is something above and beyond human
> welcome to the list.  Royale

------- FORWARD, End of original message -------

Don’t worry about what the world wants from you, worry about 
what makes you come more alive.  Because what the world really 
needs are people who are more alive.
-Lawrence Le Shan

[11]: From: Richard Satin 
Subject: Re: 3rd eye, projection, void

Dear John,

> ...I've never felt that I was frantically
> running, but I often look around and it appears that most people are. 
> been very quiet and introspective for the last few years and have been
> spending large amounts of time doing inner-work.  I know that I could be
> out partying and living it up like the others, but that is not what I
> really want.  Sometimes, though, it gets to me and I feel very alone and
> wonder if it is worth it.  Then I decide that it is and keep going.

My situation was similar.  Lately though a lot of things have been moving. 
While I'm really "doing" nothing, many opportunities have opened up 
(including this list - which has become a very positive addition).  From
"nothing" happening, in a period of a few months there seems to be new
growth in many different parts of my life.
It seems that things move in cycles.  The "dry" periods - with feelings of
malaise; and sense that nothing is happening maybe are just transition
points before the next phase.  

As for feeling alone - I don't know any solution except to ride it out like
you're doing.  Most of my friends are coupled either through marriage or
otherwise.  So often times I do find myself alone on a Friday or Saturday
night.  It's usually not too bad - and certainly better than heading for the
bars.  But during those dry can get pretty grim.  Meditation
helps a lot.  The problem with me is, when I start feeling down, that's the
last thing I want to do.  Perverse, eh?


Don't worry about what the world wants from you, worry about 
what makes you come more alive.  Because what the world really 
needs are people who are more alive.
-Lawrence Le Shan

[12]: From: "Debee L. Thomas" 
Subject: re: Correct topics of discussion?

> flow.  I echo the sentiment, however, that the list is great and will
> continue to be great even if it is narrowly focused.  With that said, I
> would like to add a hope that things can flow.  I figure if I'm not
> interested the trash is real close to my fingertips

I guess the operative word, in my thinking, is 'flow'. There will be 
times when things may get a bit sidetracked but then it can be expected 
to a degree.  We are all unique individuals and while some experiences 
may be closely related, there will be those that differ.  Ultimately, if 
we keep our focus on the purpose of the Kundalini Mail list, we'll be 
able to keep pretty close.  I'd hate to see someone shy away from sharing 
their experience merely because it is different or includes another topic 
which may cause a bit of sidetracking.  Let's just keep sharing as we've 
done and learn from one another. 

Blessed Be


[13]: From: (John Petty)
Subject: still sitting


I was writing this to Richard and felt that the other list members should
hear this too.  (From my "sitting in the void" plea)


Thanks for your comforting words.  I'm so impressed with the members of
this list.  Typically, when one asks for advice, there is no end to the
"this is what you need to do" responses.  I haven't experienced any of
that on this list.  I received exactly what I was looking for.  Care,
comfort, and inspiring words.  All anyone can really do is to give
whatever comfort they can and try to evoke the answers which lie hidden
within the one suffering.


> My situation was similar.  Lately though a lot of things have been moving. 
> While I'm really "doing" nothing, many opportunities have opened up 
> (including this list - which has become a very positive addition).  From
> "nothing" happening, in a period of a few months there seems to be new
> growth in many different parts of my life.
> It seems that things move in cycles.  The "dry" periods - with feelings of
> malaise; and sense that nothing is happening maybe are just transition
> points before the next phase.  
> As for feeling alone - I don't know any solution except to ride it out like
> you're doing.  Most of my friends are coupled either through marriage or
> otherwise.  So often times I do find myself alone on a Friday or Saturday
> night.  It's usually not too bad - and certainly better than heading for the
> bars.  But during those dry can get pretty grim.  Meditation
> helps a lot.  The problem with me is, when I start feeling down, that's the
> last thing I want to do.  Perverse, eh?
> Richard

[14]: From: Pat Welsh 
Subject: jaw pain

Viviane Brisson wrote:
> The weird part is that energy going through my teeth and the feeling 
> something is pressing against my skin on the left side of my jaw.

Debee L. Thomas replied (snipped):
>This had very good timing.  I myself just went to see a doctor today.... I
just figured I 
>was having a sinus infection or something due to the sinus.  I left the 
>doctor a bit confused because he could find nothing wrong....He said that
the muscles in my jaw area >and around my face were inflamed and to take
aspirin.  Yes, my jaws ache but 
>inflamed muscles?  After reading the above message it makes me wonder all 
>the more about Kundalini and if its not responsible.  

I respond:
I'm having an awful lot of throbbing in an upper left molar that received a
root canal--so much so that I've 
wondered if the nerve has (partially) regenerated/I have an infection.  My
dentist says "no" to both worries, and keeps trying to save the tooth
(though it's been hypersensitive to his working on it--he's been filing the
temporary filling down; I hemorrhaged when he did the first part of the root
canal, and needed more than 4 shots of novacaine).

Anyway, yesterday he filed it down some more: as I have "bony tissue
inflammation," which is worsened by the lower molar hitting the area...Since
I'm having an "atypical" response to an area that *should* be without pain
(this is taking way too many office visits!)--I, too, wonder about
kundalini's implication in all this (the dentist *will* pull the tooth, this
week, if the throbbing doesn't dissipate...)

--Pat (who still can't get around to writing personal email to those who've
written to her...)

[15]: From: (Jean Tracy)
Subject: Re: Chris's comments on Newbie questions

Chris wrote:

>For the last two years I have been experiencing altered perceptiions,
>randomly, with my eyes.  It's like peering through aprism from the inside
>out.  In the last year colors have been added.  It's really quite
>>beautiful and I always wonder is there something I should be doing with

I think this brings up a very important concept:  "Is there something I
should be doing with this?"

Jack Kornfield in his book 'Path of the Heart' reminds us that all these
experiences don't add up to enlightened wisdom.  I heartily agree.  We find
the wisdom through our own inner work.  Should we DO something with the
experiences?  or are they just to be noticed and not given a 'charge'?

I find that intuitive perceptions are very useful in my every day dealings
with people - they guide me to resond in more conscious ways.  My own
experiences of magic have opened me to another level of being which adds to
the richness of living....


[16]: From: (Jean Tracy)
Subject: Re: Awakening Kundalini

I appreciate your thoughts, Bob.  However I think you mistook my response
for  I was responding to his/her question.

I had written:
>> It is true that Kundalini is the rocket ship of transformation - can you
>> support these rapid changes with careful attention, courage and faith?

Bob wrote:
>    When you are ready to be graced, you will be.  Don't wait for
> your heart, let go and take it a day at a time...and when it
>happens and you're not're in for one big surprise  :)

and I agree to some extent....  There is a debate about whether one can
awaken Kundalini with sheer intent... so I chose to say indirectly that
it's not so much whether you can or not - but that cultivating the
qualities needed for 'communing' with this tremendous force would place one
in a less dangerous position if indeed that day of powerful awakening came.

There are some studies spoken of at the KRN conference that show that most
public  Kundalini figures had an unusually traumatic childhood (which
caused a blockage of the life force.)  It was if the fountain was stopped
up .. and when it came time to remove the stopper - the water unleashed
with great force.

All for now,


[17]: From: (Jean Tracy)
Subject: Re: sitting in the void

John wrote: >Help!

>My problem is this:  I'm very unhappy with my company and work, but don't
>feel an iota of inspiration on what to do about it.  It's like I'm just
>sitting in this void waiting for some guidance and none is coming forth.
>Then, when I can't take it anymore and decide that it's time to do some-
>thing about it, again I come up blank.  I think and pray about it often.

I sympathize with with your feeling of inertia, especially about work.

Once awakened, we feel all too clearly the split encountered in business
between the material and the spiritual.  It's a malaise of Western Culture
and one that is in dire need of healing.

As far as the void goes, what a great place to be in for inspiration!
Patience is often asked of us there, sometimes we can only refine our being
to a state of pure receptivity before something emmerges that will motivate
us to action.

>to being guided and inspired in my personal growth work that now I don't
>even want to make a move unless I feel that guidance.  It's frustrating

I agree - that UNITY OF DESIRE is a precious gift and definitely one to
wait for!


[18]: From:
Subject: Re: Correct topics of discussion?

Hi everyone, 
I  go with opening it, it really is interesting when the spirit moves it and
everyone is in agreement that we are going into a spiritual branch of
communication on as high of frequency that is possible. That understanding
should rule out chat/and worldly stuff. Any help? Gloria 

[19]: From: "NINA & HELLEN" 
Subject: Psychic Experiences

	Yes, I believe that all of us have some positive psychic experience to
tell.  Months ago, I received a letter from a friend.  I noticed that he
seemed very confused and distressed, so I decided to write a prayer fit
for his situation.  Generally, I write very fast, but this time, for no
apparent reason, I wrote so very slowly.  Then, I perceived that the
sentences were coming to me complete as if I was reading them on
index-cards.  I was conscious of what was happening, but suddenly, I lost
myself--a dizziness.  I felt as if a cosmic archive was being thrown into
my mind.  What an experience . . . a sensation that I was about to have
all the knowledge . . . no more mysteries.  I don' t know exactly what is
a nirvanic state, but I imagine that it may be very similar.